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宋金明,段丽琴,卢 汐
2014年春秋季对台湾以东黑潮主流径区碳化学的调查研究表明,春季黑潮主流径水体垂向可划分为黑潮表层水、热带水、中层水与深层水,水层以30-50m、300-400m以及800-1000m分界。黑潮水体中DIC平均含量为2078.1μmol/kg,DOC与POC平均含量分别为98.59与1.62 μmol/L;各参数中,pH值随水深增加而降低,TAlk、DIC含量以及DIC/TAlk比值则随水深增加而升高,DOC与POC在200m以浅含量较高而在200m以深降为相对均一的低值。黑潮主流径水体中碳的分布在表层受到浮游植物生产、细菌分解、海-气界面交换以及陆源输送等多种因素的综合影响;在次表层至中层水体中,初级生产的影响消失,有机物的分解对水体中的碳分布有着重要影响;在中层至底层水体中,有机物分解逐渐完成,CaCO3溶解过程以及陆坡沉积物的水平输运成为水体中碳分布的主要影响因素。位于上升流中心的TW0-1站位各参数均受到较深层次水体携游离CO2与营养盐上涌的影响,与黑潮主流径其他站位略有不同。秋季黑潮主流径水体垂向上依然能够划分为表层水、热带水、中层水与深层水四层,分别在75-100m、300-500m以及800-1000m分界。秋季黑潮水体中DIC平均含量为2078.7μmol/kg,DOC与POC平均含量分别为92.36与1.93μmol/L;黑潮主流径各层水体中各水文、碳参数分布规律与春季相似,影响因素也类似。秋季黑潮流域各站位碳参数量值与春季略有不同,其可能的原因有较低的浮游植物生产、利用以及较低的微生物分解量;秋季黑潮水体中DIC含量与DIC/TAlk比值与春季差异较小,但pH值与TAlk高于春季,由此可以推测秋季黑潮水体中有着较高的[CO32-] /[ HCO3-]比值。
关键词:    海水  垂直变化  影响因素  台湾东部黑潮主流径区
Vertical distributions and controlling factors of Carbon in the main Kuroshio region near the eastern Taiwan Island
SONG Jinming,DUAN Liqin and LU Xi
Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Function Lab of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences,Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Function Lab of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences,Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
The vertical distributions of inorganic carbon parameters (pH, Total Alkalinity(TA), Dissolved Inorganic Carbon(DIC) and ratio of DIC/TAlk) and organic carbon parameters (Dissolved Organic Carbon(DOC) and Particulate Organic Carbon(POC)) in the main Kuroshio region near the eastern Taiwan Island were investigated during spring and fall, 2014. The major results were as follows: In spring 2014, waters in the main Kuroshio region near the eastern Taiwan Island could be divided into four types such as the Kuroshio Surface Water(KSW), the Kuroshio Tropical Water(KTW), the Kuroshio Intermediate Water(KIW) and the Kuroshio Deep Water(KDW), the boundaries separating each two adjacent water types located on 30~50m, 300~400m and 800~1000m, respectively. The average DIC, DOC and POC concentrations of Kuroshio waters in spring were 2078.1 μmol/kg,98.59 μmol/L and 1.62 μmol/L, respectively. Generally, TAlk, DIC and DIC/TAlk ratio increased and pH decreased with the increasing water depth in Kuroshio main stream; DOC and POC had high values above 200m water depth, then dropped back to relatively low and stable values below 200m. Carbon distribution in KSW was effected by multiple processes, such as primary production, bacterial decomposition, air-sea exchanges and terrestrial inputs; in KTW and KIW, the impact of phytoplankton production decreased, and the degradation of organic matters had important influence on the carbon system in this layer; in KIW and KDW, degradation of organic matters had almost finished, and the distribution of carbon was controlled by dissolution of CaCO3 and lateral transportation of shelf slope sediments. All parameters in Kuroshio Upwelling Water(KUW) were effected by upwelled deeper water, which maintained high CO2 and nutrients levels. In fall 2014, waters in the main Kuroshio region near the eastern Taiwan Island could still be divided into KSW, KTW, KIW and KDW, the boundaries between each two adjacent water types located on 75~100m, 300~500m and 800~1000m, respectively. The average DIC, DOC and POC concentrations of Kuroshio waters in fall were 2078.7 μmol/kg,92.36 μmol/L and 1.93 μmol/L, respectively. Generally, the distributions of all hydrographic and carbon parameters followed the same trends as they were in spring, and they were also influenced by similar processes as in spring. The values of carbon parameters in fall were slightly different from they were spring; the potential causes of these differences could be the lower phytoplankton production and lower bacterial production in fall. The DIC and DIC/TAlk levels in fall were similar with they were in spring, but the pH and TAlk in fall were higher, indicated a higher ratio of [CO32-] /[ HCO3-] in the main Kuroshio region near the eastern Taiwan Island in fall.
Key words:  carbon, seawater, vertical  distribution, controlling factors, the main Kuroshio region near the eastern Taiwan Island
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