摘要: |
盐度对鱼类生态生理学作用的直接效应是引起鱼体对渗透压的调节,间接影响则表现为对鱼体与环境间物质交换与能量流动的影响(De Silva et al.,1976)。自上世纪50年代末开始,盐度一直是鱼类生理学和实验生物学的重要指标。为此,众多专家就广盐性洄游种类鲑鱼生长与盐度的关系(Ott,1971; Shaw et al.,1975; Macleod,1977; Brett,1979; Mckay et al.,1985; Mccormick et al.,1989; Morgan et al.,1991) 、耐低盐洄游性种类对海洋环境的适应(Peters et al.,1972; Hettler, 1976; Gut,1985; Malloy et al.,1991),以及狭盐性种类在变化盐度水域中生长率与死亡率等方面进行了大量的研究。已有的研究结果显示,盐度对鱼类生长的影响效果不尽一致,甚至发生冲突(Brett, 1979),但有关盐度对鱼类生态生理学特征的影响还未见综合比较分析报道。作者就盐度对鱼类生态生理学特征的影响在前人的基础上作了进一步分析研究,为今后开展这方面的工作提供了科学依据。 |
关键词: 盐度 生态学特征 鱼类 |
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分类号: |
基金项目:中国科学院海洋研究所调查研究报告第4160号。国家基金委“九五”重大项目,497901001、03;国务院三峡工程建设委员会委托项目,SX[2001]-018。 |
Wang Yunfeng, Zhu Xinhua
Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: |
This paper is mainly focused on a comprehensive review of the effect of salinity fluctuation on feeding, transferring efficiency and growth of fish in wide habitats, which could help our research program on the contribution of higher trophic level carnivorous Japanese sea bass, Lateolabrax japonicus, in the marine ecosystem under experimental conditions. It was found that the response of fish to salinity was directly proportional to food consumption during different life history under specific temperature, showing specific-adaptation capacity for both freshwater and marine environment. Compared with regulation to ecological efficiency, mask factor, significant divergence has occurred in the salinity regime, indicating evident relationship between specific growth rate (SGR) and salinity. Based on the analysis, we here present a tentative hypothesis that the adaptive spectrum could be reflected in the potential response to the salinity effect during specific stage to explain that optimum energy saving may be approached at the isosmotic point in the curve of salinity vs potential energy. From the viewpoint of the nonlinear relationship between salinity and ecophysiological efficiency, a process-oriented test for the hypothesis would be necessary to monitor the impact of salinity-based variation on the ecological dynamics of indicator fish in the estuary of Changjiang River. |
Key words: salinity fish ecophysology |