摘要: |
江蓠属龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)是一种大型红藻,具有适温范围较广(12-23℃)、生长快、适应环境能力强和经济价值高等优点,是改善生态环境、提高经济效益的理想品种。本项研究利用室内海水养殖系统,将龙须菜和我国北方海域的代表性养殖鱼类——黑鲪(Sebastodes fuscescens)进行混养,设计不同的养殖密度,测定若干水环境和生物因子指标,旨在查明江蓠在鱼类养殖系统中的生态效应,初步寻求合理的养殖配比,为今后大规模运用大型海藻改善养殖区环境提供科学依据。 |
关键词: 龙须菜 鱼藻混养 |
DOI: |
分类号: |
基金项目:中国科学院海洋研究所调查研究报告第4448号。中国科学院知识创新工程项目KZCX2-403、211号;国家基础研究规划资助项目G1999012012号;山东省科技攻关课题“浅海鱼藻混养技术”。 |
HU Haiyan1,2, LU Jiwu1, ZHOU Yi1, YANG Hongsheng1
1.Institute of Oceanology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: |
Rapid growth of marine fish farming often leads to adverse impacts on the environment, especially the release of dissolved nutrients which may cause eutrophication. As an ecological treatment solution, large seaweeds can be used to get rid of the excess nutrients while obtaining higher output. A setup consisting of six 3m3 tanks (one with neither fish nor seaweeds, others with or without seaweeds) was used to investigate ecological function of M1213 As the experiment period was spring, Gracilaria lemaneiformis grew well even in the low nutrient environment; and had average specific growth rate (SGR) of 4.05% in the four polyculture tanks, with the highest one (4.5%) in the #4 tank. In addition. except the #3 tank, G.lemaneiformis had competitive advantage over phytoplankton after a period of time. At the same time, most of the dissolved nutrients (NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N, PO4-P) in the polyculture tanks were removed as the environmental dissolved inorganic nutrients (DIN) were much lower than those of the tank without G.lemaneiformis, whose average content was 2.53μmol/L. In order to achieve good water quality as well as high production, carrying capacity has to be considered according to existing system and conditions. In this experiment, 1:1 co-culture of G.lemaneiformis and Sebastodes fuscescens yielded good results. |
Key words: marine fish farming polyculture of fish and seaweeds |