摘要: |
瑞典藻类学家Kyin(1940)在研究索藻目Chordariales的过程中建立了球毛藻属Sphaerotrichia Kylin,模式种为Sphaerotrichia divaricata (Agardh) Kylin。Kylin(1940)在该属中建立了两个种,即S.divaricata(Ag.)Kyin和S.japonica Kylin,前一种分布于大西洋,原名为Chordaria divaricata A.,后一种分布于西太平洋。
日本藻类学家Inagaki(1954)在《Contributions to the Knowledge of the Chordariales from Japan Ⅰ)一文中,报道了日本的叉状球毛藻S.divaricata(Ag.) Kylin及其变型。前苏联藻类学家研究了部分大西洋和太平洋的球毛藻属Sphaerotrichia标本后将其划分为三种,即S.divaricata(Ag.) Kylin、S.firma(Gepp.)A. Zinova、S.dissessa(S.et G.)A.Zinova,她认为S.divaricata是大西洋的种,而S.firma和S.dissessa为太平洋的种。其中,中国有S.firma和S.dissessa。
Lu Bao ren等(1983)(C.K. Tseng edit.)在《Common Seaweeds of China》中报道了产于中国的硬球毛藻S.firma。
球毛藻属Spherotrichia是 Kylin(1940)从索藻属Chordaria中分离出来的一个新属。其与索藻属Chordaria的主要区别在于前者的中央轴单管状且同化丝顶细胞膨大。目前,世界上球毛藻属 Sphaerotrichia Kylin有6个种。而中国的球毛藻属经过本文作者的研究后确定为三个种,即硬球毛藻Sphaerotrichia firma(Gepp.)A. Zinova、黄海球毛藻S.huanghaiensis Ding et Lu和日本球毛藻S.japonica Kylin。其中,日本球毛藻S.japonica Kylin为中国的新记录。 |
关键词: 球毛藻属 分类 |
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基金项目:中国科学院海洋研究所调查研究报告第4403号。国家自然科学基金重大项目,B80981816资助。 |
A TAXONOMIC STUDY OF THE GENUS Sphaerotrichia Kylin (Chordariales,Phaeophyta) FROM THE CHINA |
DING Lanping, LU Baoren, HUANG Bingxin, ZENG Chengkui
Institute of Oceanology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: |
The genus Sphaerotrichia Kylin (Chordariaceae, Chordariales), distributed in the China coast, was studied in details. According to the morphological features and anatomy structure, the specimens can be divided into three species, Sphaerotrichia firma (Gepp.) A. Zinova, S.huanghaiensis Ding et Lu and S.japonica Kylin. S.firma is characterized by single or tuft frond, more or less evident main branch, 20-30 cm high, 1 -1.5 mm in diameter or more; the branches generally are at right angle to the main ones; loose or dense; irregularly alternated branching 2-3 times or lateral; center cells columniform in medulla, densely arranged, consist of 2-3 or 2 -5 layers of cells, cell wall thick; subcortical layer consists of 3-5 or 4-5 layers of cell; assimilated filaments often composed of 4-5 cells, with a swollen, spherical or oboval terminal cell; unilocular sporangia born on the basal cell of assimilated filaments, sessile, long oval, or long oboval, 70-80 μm long, 30-34 μm in diameter. S.huangaiensis Ding et lu is characterized by linear tuft frond, 6-23 cm high; main branch evident, often distorted, 1-1.5 mm in diameter, 1-2 alternated or lateral branching: bent branches often evident, with slightly swollen tips or growing into slender divergent branches; cell wall of the medulla thick, secondary tip-connection related to subcortical layer cells; subcortical layer thick in mature frond, consists of 5-6 layers of cells; assimilated filaments very often densely arranged, consist of 6-10 cells unilocular sporangia born on the base of assimilated filaments, sessile or petiolate with one to two cells, pyriform or oboval, 50-90 μm long, 20-30 μm in diameter. S.japonica Kylin is characterized by single or tuft frond, hollow, irregularly forked branching, 5-30 cm high; lateral or alternated branching 1-4 times with acute angle, main axes evident or not; branches 0.5-1 mm in diameter or thicker; the cell wall of medulla generally thick; subcortical layer composed of 2-3 layers of cells; assimilated filaments simple, short, consist of 3-5 cells, with an oboval or subround or pyriform terminal cell; unilocular sporangia born on the base of assimilated filaments, sessile, long spherical or oblong, 80-100 μm long, 20-32 μm wide.
S.japonica is a newly recorded species in China. All specimens studied are preserved in the Herbarium of the Institute of Oceanology. Chinese Academy of Sciences. |
Key words: Sphaerotrichia Kylin taxonomy |