摘要: |
异枝凹顶藻Laurencia intermedia Yamada广泛地分布于东亚西太平洋沿岸的中国、朝鲜半岛(Nam et al. , 1984)及日本(Yoshida et al. , 1998)。在东南亚的菲律宾(Silva et al., 1987),太平洋的斐济岛(NYeurt et al., 1996),东非、印度次大陆及印度洋的斯里兰卡、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚及Réunion (Silva et al., 1996),以及西非的利比里亚、象牙海岸及加纳(Law son et al., 1987)等地均有报道。
Howe(1934)最早报道了中国的异枝凹顶藻。1962年,曾呈奎、张峻甫在“黄海西部沿岸海藻区系的温度性质”一文中也提到了该藻。1983年, 曾呈奎等在《Common seaweeds of China》中报道了黄海沿岸的异枝凹顶藻。1983年, 杭金欣等在《浙江海藻原色图谱》报道了浙江嵊山、渔山和南凫岛的异枝凹顶藻。1988年,张峻甫等也再次对该藻进行了报道。2000年,黄淑芳报道了台湾的异枝凹顶藻。 |
关键词: 异枝凹顶藻 形态 解剖学 |
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基金项目:中国科学院生物分类区系学科发展特别支持费及中国科学院海洋研究所创新访日课题关键资助。 |
The Morphology and Anatomy of Chondrophycus Intermedius (Yamada) Garbary et Harper from China Coasts |
DING Lanping, HUANG Bingxin, C.K.Tseng
Institute of Oceanology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: |
The hierachical rank of Laurenc ia complex was changed recently and divided into three genera, Chondrophycus, Laurencia and Osmundea. This alga, Chondrophycus intermedius (Yamada) Garbary et Harper distributes mainly along the coasts of East Asia Pacific. The other distributions in other places are also given. In China, ever as Laurencia intermedia, it was described insufficiently, or reported erroneously or mixed up with Chondrophycus palisades (Yamada) K. W. Nam (original L. palisada) and Chondrophycus capituliform is (Yamada) Garbary et Harper (original L.capituliformis). Some questions need to be clarified. Its morphology and anatomy from China coasts specimens are observed in detail with a lot of figures, and compared with other related species. As a distinct species, it differs from C.palisadus (Yamada) K. W. Nam and C.capituliform is (Yamada) Garbary et Harper in the physical characteristics such as sticking to the paper, the shape of cystocarp and the arrangement of superficial cells, and so on. Some questionable distributions are discussed. |
Key words: morphology anatomy Chondrophycus intermedius (Yamada) Garbary et Harper |