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中国科学院海洋研究所 青岛 266071
关键词:  生态学家  海洋生态系统  中国科学院  原绿球藻  海洋研究所  初级生产  新生产力  模糊数学模型  美国科学促进会  结构与功能
Marine Ecologist Prof. Jiao Nianzhi
Editorial Office Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica
Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071
Dr. Jiao Nianzhi, Research Professor of the Institute of Oceanology. Chinese Academy of Science (IOCAS) was born in December 19.62 in Weifang. Shandong Province, and received his doctoral degree from Ocean University of Qingdao in 1991. then came to the IOCAS as a postdoctoral fellow. In 1993, he visited Tokyo University (Japan) and University of Hawaii (USA) as a cooperative researcher and visiting scholar.

Dr. Jiao's research interests includes primary production processes. Phytoplankton ecology. N / P / S nutrients biogeochemical cycling etc. He pioneered in China in some new research lines (new production, bacterial secondary production, photosythetically produced dissolved organic matter. dimethylsulfide and prochlorophyte ecology etc.) involved in Chinese JGOFS. LOICZ. LMEs. GLOBEC programs. heads several" research projects supported by the National Science Foundation Committee (NSFC) and Chinese Academy of Sciences. For his outstanding ability and his contributions to marine ecology study. received the “Excellent Young Scientist of 1993" given by the Scientific Association of Shandong Province. the “Fourth National Excellent Young Scientist Award (1994)" given by the Personnel Ministry and the National Association of Science and Technology, the “Excellent Young Scientist Award" (1995) given by Chinese Academy of Sciences.

He is the vice director for the Jiaozhou Bay Ecological Research Station. Chinese Ecological Research Network (CERN), and the Secretary of the Chinese Committee for LOICZ, and is also a member of the Scientific Committee for CENR, a member of the Council of Ecologica Branch of the Chinese Society of Oceanology and Limmology, a member of American Association for Advancement of Science, and members of Editorial Board for Oceanologia el Limnologia etc. Address: 7. Nanhai Rd. Qingdao. 266071. P. R. China; Tel: 86-532-2891114

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