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杭州湾溶解态的Ca2+,Mg2+,SO42- |
张力军1,2, 陈国华1,2, 谢式南1,2, 纪红1,2, 王渊1,2
1.青岛海洋大学化学化工学院 青岛;266003
摘要: |
为研究杭州湾河口海水地区性水化学特征,于1994年5月和1993年8月在杭州湾14个大面站和两个连续站采集表层海水水样,对Ca2+,Mg2+,SO42-,及S,Cl等化学要素进行了测定。研究结果表明,与黄河口长江口一样,杭州湾中溶解态Ca2+,Mg2+,SO42-主要受陆源径流与外海水物理混合稀释的影响,与Cl具有良好的线性关系.由于受北岸工业排废水的影响,Ca2+与Cl线性相关比Mg2+,SO42-稍差。Mg2+/Cl比值、SO42-/Cl比值与大洋水接近;而Ca2+/Cl比值比大洋水高;估算了钱塘江Ca2+,Mg2+,SO42-的人海通量,该数据小于黄河、长江的对应值。 |
关键词: 杭州湾 钱塘江 溶解态Ca2+ Mg Ca2+ SO42- 通量 |
DOI: |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目,49376270号 |
附件 |
ZHANG Li-jun,CHEN Guo-hua,XIE Shi-nan,JI Hong,WANG Yuan
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University Of Qingdao, Qigndao, 266003
Abstract: |
Hangzhou Bay is a typical trumpet estuary which lies in the middle of our country. It is a region where outersea water mixes with terrestrial freshwater. Its physicochemical property and water chemistry have special characteristics during the mixing process of freshwater and seawater. Seawater samples at 14 area stations and 2 adjacent stations in Hangzhou Bay were collected in May 1994 and Aug. 1993. Chemical key elements of dissolved Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42-, CI and S were measured. The results indicated that dissolved Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42- at the Hangzhou Bay estuary had linear relationships with Cl as Huanghe and Changjiang River. Their concentrations were influenced by mixing and dilution with river water, industrial discharge and ocean water. Fit equations are:
Ca2+ = 7.009 ×10-5 + 1.636 ×10-2 Cl (r = 0.969, n = 13, b8 station was deleted)
Mg2+ = -8.883 ×10-5+6.756 ×10-2 Cl (r = 1.000, n =14) SO42- = 5.352 ×10-5 + 1.357 ×10-1 Cl (r = 1.000, n = 13, bl station was deleted) The Ca2+/Cl ratio at area stations was 0.02731 ± 1×10-2, Mg2+/Cl ratio was 0.06651 ± 1.7×10-3, SO42-/Cl was 0.1402 ± 7.6×10-3 Ca2+/C1 ratio was 28.8% higher than that in the ocean. While Mg2+/Cl and SO42- ratios were similar to those in the ocean. The high Ca2+/Cl ratios at individual stations were influenced by industrial discharge at the north of the bay. Isopleths of Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42-/Cl changed progressively from northeast to southwest. Water chemistry of two continuity stations were different because of complicated global chemical characteristic on the north of Hangzhou Bay. Fluxes of dissolved Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42- from Qiantang River to ocean were 0.763×106 t/a, 0.174×106 t/a, 0.465×106 t/a, which were less than those of the Yellow River and Changjiang River. |
Key words: Hangzhou Bay, Qiantang River, Dissolved Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42-, Fluxes |