引用本文: | 李 雷,王金星,康翠洁,赵小凡,相建海.对虾免疫防御中的阳离子和阴离子抗菌肽.海洋与湖沼,2003,34(2):217-223. |
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对虾免疫防御中的阳离子和阴离子抗菌肽 |
李 雷1, 王金星1, 康翠洁1, 赵小凡1, 相建海2
摘要: |
综述了对虾免疫防御中扮演重要角色的几种抗菌肽的研究进展。人们首先从对虾中分离到阳离子抗菌肽, 即对虾肽(penaeidin), 对其性质、抗菌谱和分布与合成部位等进行了研究。并克隆到了该类抗菌肽的基因。最近又在两种对虾的血淋巴中分离到了3种独特的具有抗真菌活性的肽类。与已发现的抗菌肽不同的是这3种肽带负电荷, 与血蓝蛋白C-端序列的一致性达95%—100%, 由此表明它来自对虾呼吸作用蛋白———血蓝蛋白的裂解片断。免疫检测表明,这种由血蓝蛋白限制性水解产生的抗菌肽与对虾的免疫反应有关。
关键词: 先天免疫,对虾肽,血蓝蛋白,对虾 |
DOI:10.11693/hyhz200302013013 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家重大基础研究项目资助,G1999012007号;国家“863”计划项目资助,2001AA621120号、2002AA629090号;高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目资助,GG-180-25011995号;教育部博士点基金资助,20020422052号 |
附件 |
LI Lei1, WANG Jin-Xing1, KANG Cui-Jie1, ZHAO Xiao-Fan1, XIANG Jian-Hai2
1.Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Life Sciences, Shandong University;2.Institute of Oceanology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: |
Antimicrobial peptides play an important role in innate immunity in shrimp. Penaeidins, a family of antimicrobial peptides, with positive charges at physiological pH, from the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, had been isolated and characterized by Destoumieux et al(1997). Recently, three peptides exhibiting exclusive antifungal activity have been isolated form plasma of two shrimps by Destoumieux-Garzon et al(2001). The peptides display 95% to 100% sequence identity with a C-terminal sequence of hemocyanin indicating they are cleaved-fragments of the shrimp respiratory protein. Contrary to the cationic antimicrobial peptides, the three antifungal peptides present a negative net charge at physiological pH. The production of antifungal peptides by limited proteolysis of the hemocyanin could be relevant to a shrimp immune reaction that would confer a new function to the multifunctional respiratory pigment of crustaceans. The present paper gave a brief overview of the two kinds of antimicrobial peptides in shrimps.
Key words: Innate immunity, Penaeidin, Hemocyanin, Shrimp |