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引用本文:吴玉霖,孙 松,张永山,张 芳.胶州湾浮游植物数量长期动态变化的研究.海洋与湖沼,2004,35(6):518-523.
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吴玉霖, 孙 松, 张永山, 张 芳
应用分光光度法对1991—2002年11月胶州湾浮游植物现存量(叶绿素a含量)进行了测定。研究结果表明,胶州湾叶绿素a年平均含量为2.09—5.70mg/m3,多年平均为(3.47±1.92)mg/m3,年际问存在一定的波动范围;在平面分布上,胶州湾西北和东北近岸海域含量较高,湾中部和南部海域较低;胶州湾叶绿素a含量存在着明显的季节变化,冬季(2月)平均含量为(4.72±3.15)mg/m3,是一年中的高峰,夏季次之,平均含量为(4.33±2.57)mg/m3,春季平均含量为(2.78±2.43)mg/3,秋季平均含量最低,仅为(1.95±0.80)mg/m3。 胶州湾浮游植物粒级构成为:小型浮游植物(>20μm)平均占35.8%,微型浮游植物(2—20μm)平均为51.3%,超微型浮游植物(<2μm)平均为12.9%;不同季节和海域粒级构成有一定差异。
关键词:  胶州湾,叶绿素a,浮游植物,长期变化
WU Yu-Lin, SUN Song, ZHANG Yong-Shan, ZHANG Fang
Key laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
This paper studies quantitative variation of phytoplankton(chlorophyll-a)based on long-term observational by data during May 1991 to Nov. 2002 in Jiaozhou Bay that is a semi-enclosed bay surrounded by Qingdao City with average water depth of 7m and 2—3km wide mouth to the South Yellow Sea. Water samples were taken from of the surface and bottom in 5L water-sampling bottles at ten observation stations in quarterly cruise (Feb., May, Aug., and Nov.) every year. Each 500ml sample was filtered in vacuum through cellulose acetate membrane. Chlorophyll-a was determined using spectrophotometer method. To calculate the chlorophyll-a value, formula of Jeffery and Humphery (1975) was used. The results showed that the high chlorophyll-a values appeared mainly in the northwestern and northeastern parts nearshore area, and the lower were found in the middle and southern parts of Jiaozhou Bay. Chlorophyll-a value was higher inside the bay than outside the bay. It was similar in this respect to the horizontal distribution of nutrients(NO3-N;NH4-N;PO4-P and SiO3-Si)in Jiaozhou Bay. An obvious seasona1 variation of chlorophyll-a was found. The peak of chlorophyll-a value frequently occurred in winter and summer. With the mean of (4.72±3.15)mg/m3 and(4.33±2.57)mg/m3, respectively. In spring, the mean of chlorophyll-a was (2.78±2.43)mg/m3. The lowest occurred in autumn, only (1.95±0.80)mg/m3. Annual mean content of chlorophyll-a from 2.09mg/m3 to 5.70mg/m3, mean of (3.47±1.19)mg/m3. Annual fluctuation of chlorophyll-a value was obvious in 1980s to 1990s. Because of the phytoplankton standing stock was limited by a number of factors including the availability of nutrients and certain trace substances, light, temperature, water column stability etc. Man-induced fluxes of waste water had a significant effect on the variation of chlorophyll-a va1ue. The composition of chlorophyll-a contents of different-sized phytoplankton showed that the mean percentage of microphytoplankton (>20μm) was 35.8%;the nanophytoplankton (2—20μm) and picophytoplankton (<2μm) were 51.3% and 12.9%, respectively, showing the order as nano-> micro-> pico-. Pattern of the distribution changed with season. In winter, the pico- portion contributed the smallest amount to the phytoplakton standing stock among other seasons because Synechococcus, the main component of the picophytoplankton in the Bay, its abundance is constrained by temperature and nutrients. The nanophytoplankton dominates the contribution over other two.
Key words:  Jiaozhou Bay, Chlorophyll-a, Phytoplankton, Long-term variation
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