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引用本文:周立斌,王安利,马细兰,张 伟,张海发.饲料中铁对美国红鱼(Sciaenops ocellatus)生长和免疫的影响.海洋与湖沼,2009,40(5):663-668.
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饲料中铁对美国红鱼(Sciaenops ocellatus)生长和免疫的影响
周立斌1, 王安利2, 马细兰3, 张 伟2, 张海发4
1.华南师范大学生命科学学院 广东省高等学校生态与环境科学重点实验室, 惠州学院生命科学系 生物技术研究所;2.华南师范大学生命科学学院 广东省高等学校生态与环境科学重点实验室;3.惠州学院生命科学系 生物技术研究所;4.广东省大亚湾水产试验中心
采用单因子实验设计方法, 进行了饲料中添加铁对美国红鱼生长(增重率、存活率、特定生长率和饲料效率)、免疫反应(血清溶菌酶活性、总补体活性和超氧化物歧化酶活性(Superoxide dismutase, SOD)和组织中铁积累量影响的研究。结果表明, 各饲料组美国红鱼的成活率(93.33%—95.00%)无显著性差异(P>0.05); 饲料铁含量在327.2、368.1mg/kg 时饲料效率显著高于285.3、303.5、443.7mg/kg 组(P<0.05); 随着饲料中铁含
关键词:  美国红鱼, 铁, 生长, 免疫
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划课题, 2007BAD29B04 号; 广东省科技计划重大专项, 2007A03260004 号; 广东省科技计划项目,2007B020708013 号; 广东省重大科技兴海(兴渔)项目, A200501G01 号
ZHOU Li-Bin1, WANG An-Li2, MA Xi-Lan3, ZHANG Wei2, ZHANG Hai-Fa4
1.College of Life Science, South China Normal University, Key Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Science in Guangdong Higher Education, Department of Life Science, Huizhou University and Institute of Biotechnology;2.College of Life Science, South China Normal University, Key Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Science in Guangdong Higher Education;3.Department of Life Science, Huizhou University and Institute of Biotechnology;4.Guangdong Daya Bay Fisheries Development Center
An experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary iron on growth (weight rate, feed efficiency ratio, specific growth rate (SGR) and survival rate), immune response [lysozyme activity, total complement activity and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity] and body distribution of iron concentration of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus Linnaeus). Five iso-nitrogenous and iso-energetic diets were formulated to contain 285.3, 303.5, 327.2, 368.1 and 443.7 mg Fe per kg diet, supplied as FeSO4·7H2O, and fed in 15 floating netcages (1.5×1.0×1.0m) to 20 fish [initial weight: (173.41±4.85)g] twice a day (09:30 and 16:30) for 8 weeks, the water temperature was set from 26.5 to 32.5℃, salinity from 28 to 29 and dissolved oxygen was approximately 6mg/L during the experimental period. Results indicate that no significant differences in survival rate (93.33%—95.00%) were found among dietary treatments (P>0.05); feed efficiency ratio in 327.2 and 368.1mg/kg treatments were significantly higher than those in 285.3, 303.5 and 443.7mg/kg treatments (P<0.05). Weight rate and specific growth rate in 327.2 and 368.1mg/kg treatment were higher significantly those in other treatments (P<0.05), regression curve analysis shows that the optimum dietary iron requirement for red drum, using SGR as response criteria, was 330mg/kg diet. No significant differences in iron concentration of muscle were found among dietary treatments (P>0.05). Iron concentration in liver increased significantly with increasing dietary iron from 285.3 to 443.7mg/kg (P<0.05). The maximal level of serum lysozyme activity was in 368.1mg/kg treatment, significantly higher than those in other treatments (P<0.05). Serum total complement activity in 327.2, 368.1 and 443.7mg/kg treatments was significantly higher than those in 285.3 and 327.2mg/kg treatments (P<0.05). Serum SOD activity in 327.2 and 368.1mg/kg treatments were higher, but no significant differences in serum SOD activity were found among dietary treatments (P>0.05). Based on the information above, the optimal dietary iron content for optimum growth performance and immune response in red drum is about 368.1mg/kg of dietary iron.
Key words:  Red drum Sciaenops ocellatus Linnaeus, Iron, Growth, Immune response
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