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引用本文:张永泉,刘 奕,尹家胜,佟广香,匡友谊,徐 伟.哲罗鱼(Hucho tamen)消化系统胚后发育的形态与组织学的研究.海洋与湖沼,2010,41(3):422-428.
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哲罗鱼(Hucho tamen)消化系统胚后发育的形态与组织学的研究
张永泉1, 刘 奕2, 尹家胜1, 佟广香1, 匡友谊1, 徐 伟1
利用形态学和连续组织切片技术, 对哲罗鱼仔鱼、稚鱼和幼鱼的消化系统进行了光镜观察,描述了其消化器官发育过程中形态学和组织学结构特征。结果表明, 实验水温为7—12℃时, 初始孵化仔鱼消化道细而直, 两端封闭, 位于卵黄囊背, 随着仔鱼发育消化系统结构逐渐完善。破膜后16d消化系统完全贯通, 破膜34d 食道发育与成鱼基本相同, 明显分为粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层及浆膜层,出现3—4 个粘膜褶皱; 破膜2d 在消化管道前端, 胃开始分化, 管壁较厚, 可见明显的两层, 胃原基细胞形成胃腔, 破膜24d 胃组织结构发育得较完整, 由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌肉层和浆膜层构成, 出现胃腺; 破膜后46d 肠的组织结构与成鱼相同, 粘膜层大量分布Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型粘液细胞; 初孵仔鱼在肠背侧出现, 与肝脏相互分开的一个独立的器官为胰腺组织。哲罗鱼破膜后26d 消化系统明显分化成食道、胃、前肠、直肠以及肝脏和胰脏, 破膜后36d 出现幽门盲囊原基。本实验得出哲罗鱼仔鱼最佳初次投喂时间应在破膜后24—26d, 即上浮后3—5d, 由于破膜后46d 幽门盲囊组织结构发育基本完善, 可适当增加投喂量。
关键词:  哲罗鱼, 胚后发育, 形态学, 组织学
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划, 2006BAD03B08-01 号; 国家技术基础条件平台建设项目, 2006DKA30470-005 号
ZHANG Yong-Quan1, LIU Yi2, YIN Jia-Sheng1, TONG Guang-Xiang1, KUANG You-Yi1, XU Wei1
1.Heilongjiang Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;2.College of Animal Science and Technology, Northeast Agricultural University
Development of digestive system and associated glands was examined histologically by adopting paraffin wax slicing in stages of larvae, juvenile, and fry of Hucho taimen. Specimens were hatched and maintained in water (7—12℃). In newly hatched larvae (0 day post-hatch), the digestive tract, lying dorsal to the yolk sac, was thin and straight, and the mouth and anus remain closed. Digestive tract and glands become mature gradually, and morphologically matured in juvenile stage. On the 16th day post-hatch, the mouth was open, and the digestive tract was segmented into buccopharynx, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, and rectum. On the 34th day post-hatch, oesophagus was almost the same with that of adult fish, and divided into mucous layer, submucous layer, muscular layer, and placenta percreta, having 3—4 mucosal folds appeared. On the 2nd day post-hatch, stomach differentiated from anterior extremity of digestive tract. The thick gastric wall was divided in two layers, and the gastral cavity was formed by primordial cells of stomach. On the 24th day post-hatch, gastric glands appeared, and the stomach was formed by mucous layer, submucous layer, muscular layer, and placenta percreta. On the 46th day post-hatch, the intestine developed, and mucous layer was densely covered by mucous cellⅠ,Ⅱand Ⅲ. The pancreatic tissue was separated from liver as an independent organ and situated in dorsal to the intestine. The digestive tract was clearly segmented into oesophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum, liver, and pancreas on the 26th day. Caecum pyloricum primordium appeared on the 36th day. Therefore, the best weaning time for H. taimen for external food was on 24—26d after hatching, or 3—5d after floating-up. On the 46th day post-hatch, caecum pyloricum developed almost completely; and external food supply was increased accordingly.
Key words:  Hucho taimen, Postembryonic development, Morphology, Histology
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