引用本文: | 魏传杰,于非,郭景松,刁新源.黄海西部海洋湍流的季节变化特征分析.海洋与湖沼,2014,45(1):167-171. |
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黄海西部海洋湍流的季节变化特征分析 |
摘要: |
在2006年-2007年开展的“中国近海海洋综合调查与评价”项目中,我们利用自由下降湍流剖面仪MSS60在南黄海海区分别进行了夏、冬、秋季三个航次的微尺度湍流观测,并计算分析了该海区的湍动能耗散系数ε,湍扩散系数κ等。通过与温度与流速分布图对比,结果表明三个季节的湍流混合趋势大体一致。在沿岸浅水区,混合作用比较强烈。以潮混合锋面为界限,深水区湍流混合的垂直分布明显地表现出三层结构,混合较强的上混合层和底混合层,及相对较弱的中层。 |
关键词: 南黄海、湍流混合、湍动能耗散系数、湍扩系数 |
DOI:10.11693/hyhz20121205001 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目, 41206020号, 41176018号; 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项, XDA11020301。 |
附件 |
Seasonal variation of ocean Turbulence in the WesternYellow Sea |
weichuanjie,yufei,guojingsong and diaoxinyuan
Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,First Institute of Oceanography, SOA,Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: |
Using the Microstructure Profiler MSS60 data from “Comprehensive Survey and Evaluation in Chinese Near-shore Waters”, the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate and diffusivity in three seasons between 2006 and 2007 are estimated in the south Yellow Sea. Our results reveal that mixing tends to be intensive in coastal region, the water is well-mixed. Away from the coast mixing is more intensive in the near-surface and bottom layers than at mid-depth. Combing with in situ observations, it is suggested that mixing in the Yellow Sea is controlled by both tide and wind. Wind determines the strength of mixing in the upper layer, whereas tide mainly affects bottom mixing. |
Key words: The south Yellow sea turbulent mixing dissipation diffusivity |