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苏北沿岸水的去向与淡水来源估算 |
张志欣1,2,3, 郭景松1,2,3, 乔方利1,2,3, 刘又毓4, 郭炳火1,3
1.国家海洋局第一海洋研究所 青岛 266061;2.海洋国家实验室区域海洋动力学与数值模拟功能实验室 青岛 266235;3.海洋环境科学与数值模拟国家海洋局重点实验室 青岛 266061;4.宁波市海洋与渔业研究所 宁波 315012
摘要: |
本文基于2006-2007年春、夏、秋、冬季CTD观测的盐度资料分析了苏北沿岸水盐度的季节变化特征,并利用冬、夏季盐度场变化估算了苏北沿岸水的淡水来源。结果表明:冬季苏北沿岸水在东北季风的驱动下顺岸南下,在离开苏北浅滩后转向东南进入东海;夏季低盐的苏北沿岸水分多支向北、向东流出沿岸区,后者汇入南黄海夏季冷水团环流中。估算结果表明苏北沿岸水的淡水来源主要是苏北沿岸的入海径流水,约占总量的65%,次之是降水/蒸发量通量和长江冲淡水沿江苏沿岸的北向扩展。 |
关键词: 沿岸水 苏北 季节变化 入海径流 降水 |
DOI:10.11693/hyhz20150800208 |
分类号: |
基金项目:中国科学院先导专项项目,XDA1102030103号;国家自然科学基金委员会-山东省人民政府联合资助海洋科学研究中心项目,U1406404号;国际合作项目“海洋动力系统和多运动形态相互作用”,GASI-03-IPOVAI-05号;国家自然科学基金项目,41206025号。 |
附件 |
ZHANG Zhi-Xin1,2,3, GUO Jing-Song1,2,3, QIAO Fang-Li1,2,3, LIU You-Yu4, GUO Bing-Huo1,3
1.First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Qingdao 266061, China;2.Laboratory for Regional Oceanography and Numerical Modeling, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266235, China;3.Key Lab of Marine Science and Numerical Modeling, SOA, Qingdao 266061, China;4.Ningbo Academy of Oceanology and Fishery, Ningbo 315012, China
Abstract: |
To understand and estimate whereabouts and freshwater origination of the Subei (North Jiangsu Province) coastal water, we analyzed the CTD salinity data acquired in 2006-2007, and the salinity variation in winter and summer. Results show that in winter, the Subei coastal water flows southward alongshore driven by the northeasterly monsoon, and then turns southeast off the Subei shoal and merges with the East China Sea. In summer, low-salinity coastal water flows away off the Subei coast in three major branches (one northward and two eastward). The eastward ones mingle with cold-water masses in summer in the southern Yellow Sea. Our estimated result indicates that the freshwater off the Subei coastal water comes mainly from local runoff (taking 65% of the total), and those from precipitation/evaporation flux and the northward extension of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River plume along the Jiangsu coast are minor contributors. |
Key words: coastal water northern Jiangsu seasonal variation the runoff into the sea precipitation |