引用本文:俞存根,陈全震,陈小庆,宁 平,郑 基.舟山渔场及邻近海域鱼类种类组成和数量分布.海洋与湖沼,2010,41(3):410-417.
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俞存根1, 陈全震2, 陈小庆1, 宁 平3, 郑 基1
根据2006 年8 月、2007 年1、5、11 月在舟山渔场及邻近海域(29°30′—32°00′N, 127°E 以西)开展海洋生态系统综合调查所获得的游泳动物调查资料, 用渔获率作为鱼类资源分布的数量指标, 对舟山渔场及邻近海域的鱼类种类组成、数量分布、季节变化趋势作了定量分析。结果表明, 舟山渔场及邻近海域鱼类种类约有139 种, 隶属14 目、56 科、105 属, 其中日本红娘鱼、绿鳍鱼、六丝矛尾虎鱼、细条天竺鱼、海鳗、黑鮟鱇、星康吉鳗、小黄鱼、前肛鳗、短吻舌鳎、棘头梅童鱼等25 种鱼类占鱼类总渔获量的84.18%, 是调查海域桁杆拖网的主要捕捞鱼类, 而其它种类的渔获量较少。不同季节的经济鱼类渔获物组成相差较大, 而优势种种类组成变化较少。渔获量高峰期主要出现在夏季, 从不同区域的渔获率分布趋势来看, 春、夏、秋季的鱼类渔获率都以江外渔场最高, 其次是长江口渔场, 舟山渔场居第三, 而杭州湾河口区的鱼类渔获率明显偏低。冬季鱼类渔获率分布趋势与春夏秋季不同, 以长江口渔场为最高, 其次是舟山渔场, 而江外渔场和杭州湾河口区渔获率明显偏低。与以往(20 世纪60 年代初)调查结果相比, 舟山渔场及邻近海域鱼类种数组成、种群动态及群落结构都发生了很大的变化。
关键词:  鱼类, 种类组成, 数量分布, 舟山渔场及邻近海域
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目, 30970464 号; 浙江省科技厅资助项目, 2006C23051 号; 国家海洋局项目, 908-01-ST-04 号
YU Cun-Gen,CHEN Quan-Zhen,CHEN Xiao-Qing,NING Ping,ZHENG Ji
1.Marine Fishery College of Zhejiang Ocean University;2.Second Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration
Based on the data acquired in seasonal comprehensive surveys of the marine ecosystem of the Zhoushan Fishing Ground and its adjacent waters (29°30′—32°00′N, 121°30′—127°00′E) by “Zhedingyu11132” in August, 2006 and in January, April, and November, 2007, the composition, quantity, and variation of fish species were reported was relative fishing rate. A total of 139 species were identified, which belonged to 105 genera in 56 families of 14 orders. The biomass of Lepidotrigla japonica, Chelidonichthys kumu, Chaeturichthys hexanema, Apogonichthys lineatus, Muraenesox cinereus and Lophiomus setigerus was the most abundant, taking up 39.64% of the total catch; the biomass of Conger myriaster, Pseudosciaena polyactis, Dysomma anguillaaris, Cynoglossus joyneri, Collichthys lucidus, Psenopsis anomala, Harpodon nehereus, Coelorhynchus multispinulosus, Cynoglossus trigrammus and Pleuronichthys cornutus was the second most abundant, taking up 31.92% of the total catch; and the biomass of Liparis tanakae, Champsodon snyderi, Trichiurus haumela, Miichthys miiuy, Cynoglossus interruptus, Johnius belengerii, Acropoma japonicum, Neobythites sivicolus and Argyrosomus macrocephalus occupied 12.62% of the total catch. There 25 species took up 84.18% of total catch. Eleven species such as Lepidotrigla japonica, Chelidonichthys kumu, Muraenesox cinereus, Lophiomus setigerus, Conger myriaster, Pseudosciaena polyactis, Dysomma anguillaaris, Cynoglossus joyneri, Collichthys lucidus, Psenopsis anomala and Harpodon nehereus were the main commercial species caught in the investigations, which took up 52.23% of the total catch. The composition of fish species showed clear seasonal changes, but the dominant species did not. The best fishing time should be summer for Lepidotrigla japonica, Dysomma anguillaaris, Muraenesox cinereus, Psenopsis anomala, Pseudosciaena polyactis and Collichthys lucidus. The distribution of CPUE at various locations follow such an order, the Jiangwai fishing ground > the Changjiang estuary fishing ground > the Zhoushan fishing ground > the Hangzhou Bay estuary waters in spring, summer and autumn. The winter distribution of CPUE was different from other seasons, the Changjiang estuary fishing ground > the Zhoushan fishing ground > the Jiangwai fishing ground or the Hangzhou Bay estuary area. The species composition, population dynamics and community structure of fish in the Zhoushan fishing ground and its adjacent waters changed evidently from the early 1960s to 2006 and 2007.
Key words:  Fishes, Species composition, Quantitative distribution, Zhoushan fishing ground and its adjacent area
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