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结构量化指标记录的约3600-1500cal yr B.P.年间农牧交错带黄旗海湖面波动特点
基于湖泊碎屑堆积反演湖泊环境演化,是干旱、半干旱地区全球变化研究的主要内容之一;但是大部分指标方法仅具有定性特点且敏感程度受背景环境等因素的限制,这影响了对湖泊环境演变的深入理解。为克服这种缺点,研究从结构涌现秩序的理念出发,基于粒度参数指标体系,开发了可用于描述体系结构演化的指标---体系结构量化指数,尝试重建东亚季风尾闾区农牧交错带封闭湖泊黄旗海3600-1500cal a B.P.年间水环境波动。结果表明,粒度结构量化指标揭示,在全新世大暖期结束的千年尺度的湖面降低和轨道驱动的夏季太阳辐射降低的背景上,黄旗海存在百年尺度的剧烈波动,与基于孢粉重建的山西公海降水、湖北董哥洞与广西尚洞等洞穴石笋氧同位素等记录对比发现,这种波动与由太阳活动所驱动的亚洲季风区夏季风降水变化密切相关。研究证实了碎屑沉积结构异常指数能在百年-千年尺度上反演封闭湖泊气候环境变化,且从已有的研究而言(贾玉连等,2023;2024)这种反演具有定量属性,这对于内陆湖泊全球变化研究具有重要意义。
关键词:  封闭湖泊  碎屑沉积  农牧交错带  体系结构量化指数  湖面波动  太阳辐射
Fluctuation characteristics of the Huangqihai Lake level between 3600 and 1500cal yr B.P. in the agro-pastoral ecotone of Asian monsoon area based on Structural quantification index of particle size index system of clastic sediments in closed lake
School of history and Geography, Minnan Normal University
It is one of the main contents of global change researches to reconstruct lake hydrological evolution based on lacustrine sedimentary sequences in arid and semi-arid regions. Most of the index methods including physical chemical and biological, however, just are of qualitative characteristics and their sensitivity is limited by various background conditions and other factors, which affect the insight into lake environmental evolution. In order to overcome this shortcoming, based on the idea of order emergence from structure, the paper developed an quantitative indexes of system(the grain size indexes system) structure, to rebuild the lake level fluctuation during 3600-1500cal a B.P in Huangqihai lake, a closed lake in the agro-pastoral transition zone at the northern margin of the modern East Asian summer monsoon.
Key words:  Closed lake  clastic deposit  agro-pastoral transition zone  the quantitative indexes of system structure  fluctuation of the lake level  solar radiation
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