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辛林超, 胡石建
关键词:  印尼贯穿流  海表面温度  深度学习  卷积神经网络
Using a deep learning method and sea surface temperatures to construct a time series of Indonesian throughflow transport since the industrial revolution
XIN LINCHAO, hu shi jian
Institute of Oceanology, CAS
The Indonesian Transversal Flow (ITF) connects the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans and is critical to the regional and global climate systems. However, what is most lacking in the study of long-term changes in the Indonesian Throughflow is a lengthy time series. Here we use deep learning methods of convolutional neural networks (CNN) to infer ITF volume transport. The CNN model was trained and tested with the results of the sixth International Coupled Model Comparison Program (CMIP6). Results show that the CNN model using sea surface temperature (SST) was able to reproduce about 80% of the total variance of ITF transport. A time series of 154 years ITF transport from 1870 to 2023 is inferred with the HadISST dataset for the first time. The time series is validated by historical observations from subsurface moorings. Sensitivity regions in referring the ITF in the model are investigated with the Grad-CAM and attention mechanisms.
Key words:  Indonesian  Throughflow, sea  surface temperature, deep  learning, convolutional  neural network
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