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钟国荣1, 李学刚1, 宋金明1, 曲宝晓2, 马骏1, 袁华茂1, 段丽琴1
关键词:  海水酸化  海水pH  数据产品  机器学习  全球大洋
Effect of data products on the accuracy of ocean surface acidification rates by machine-learning-based reconstruction
Zhongguorong1,2, Lixuegang1,2, Songjinming1,2, Qubaoxiao1,2, Majun1,2, Yuanhuamao1,2, Duanliqin1,2
1.Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology &2.Environmental Sciences, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Monitoring changes in global seawater pH is important for understanding the status of ocean acidification and its impact on marine life and ecosystems. In recent years, machine learning algorithms have been widely used to construct grid data products of ocean acidification variables from observations and easily available products of environmental variables. However, the current research is mainly focused on improving the algorithm structure to increase the accuracy, and the influence of applying different data products of environmental variables on the accuracy of the accessed acidification rates has not been reported. Here, based on the same seawater pH observations and ensemble learning feed-forward neural network algorithm, a couple of gridded global surface ocean pH datasets from 2002 to 2021 were constructed using different data products of sea surface temperature, salinity and pCO2. It was found that choosing different data products of temperature and pCO2 resulted in significant differences in regional and global average acidification rates obtained through the machine learning algorithm, while differences in acidification rates due to different salinity products were only localized. Using the average value of different data products in the input of the machine learning algorithm can effectively avoid regional extreme results caused by data products of environmental variables and increase the accuracy of machine learning to analyze ocean acidification rates.
Key words:  Ocean acidification  Seawater pH  Data product  Machine learning  Global Ocean
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