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张培玉, 李平, 杜军
1855年以来,黄河尾闾频繁改道变迁,1976年黄河改道至清水沟入海。基于遥感影像、水深数据及相关水沙资料分析,研究1976年以来黄河河口区域侵蚀/淤积中心的变化过程,深入探讨其驱动机制。研究结果表明,1977年至2020年间,黄河口及其邻近海域的冲淤量呈现明显的阶段性变化。1977-1997年是快速淤积期,年净淤积量超过5亿m3;在1997至2004年间出现净侵蚀现象。2004-2020年后河口淤积量有所回升但保持在较低水平,年净淤积量不足0.5亿m3。黄河口区域淤积中心的变化受上游水沙供给、河道形态及海洋动力(风浪、潮汐)等多因素的共同影响。河道形态及流向的变动直接影响了河口沙嘴的发展方向和淤积中心的位置。自1980年河道趋于稳定后,泥沙沉积逐渐集中,1985-1997年间河口沙嘴向东南方向迅速淤进约16 km。清8人工出汊导致淤积中心从东向逐渐转为东北方向,清水沟流路方向则从淤积转为侵蚀。2004年、2007年及2013年河道的摆动加剧了泥沙分布不均,侵蚀/淤积中心变化复杂化。上游水库(如龙羊峡和小浪底水库)的建成以及水土保持工程显著减少了输入河口的水沙量,导致河口发育减缓,尤其在1999年小浪底水库蓄水后,河口侵蚀加剧。研究结果为黄河口生态环境保护与管理提供了重要的科学依据,促进河口生态系统的长期稳定和可持续性。
关键词:  黄河口  河道变化  冲淤演变  侵蚀/淤积中心
Evolution of Erosion and Deposition Centers in the Yellow River Estuary Since 1976 and The Driving Factors
Peiyu Zhang, Ping Li, Jun Du
1. First Institute of Oceanography,Ministry of Natural Resources
Since 1855, the Yellow River estuary has undergone frequent changes in its river trail, with the latest diversion occurring in 1976, directing the river flow to the Qingshuigou Channel. This study analyzes the evolution of erosion and deposition centers in the Yellow River estuary since 1976, utilizing remote sensing images, water depth data, and related water-sediment records, and explores the driving mechanisms behind these changes. The results reveal that from 1977 to 2020, the erosion and deposition dynamics in the Yellow River estuary and its adjacent sea area exhibited distinct stage-wise variations. The period from 1977 to 1997 marked a phase of rapid deposition, with an annual net deposition volume exceeding 500 million m3. Between 1997 and 2004, the estuary experienced net erosion. Although deposition volumes increased slightly from 2004 to 2020, the net annual deposition remained below 50 million m3. The shifting deposition centers were influenced by various factors, including upstream water and sediment supply, river channel morphology, and marine forces such as wind and tides. Changes in channel morphology and flow direction directly influenced the development of sand spits and the location of deposition centers. After the stabilization of the river channel in 1980, sediment deposition became more concentrated, with the sand spit advancing approximately 16 km southeastward between 1985 and 1997. The artificial diversion of the Qing 8 branch in 1996 caused the deposition center to gradually shift from the east to the northeast, while the Qing Shui Gou Channel transitioned from deposition to erosion. Further channel shifts in 2004, 2007, and 2013 contributed to uneven sediment distribution, complicating the dynamics of erosion and deposition centers. The construction of upstream reservoirs (e.g., Longyangxia and Xiaolangdi) and soil conservation projects significantly reduced water and sediment inflow to the estuary, slowing its overall development. Notably, after the impoundment of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir in 1999, estuarine erosion intensified. This study provides critical scientific insights for the ecological protection and management of the Yellow River estuary, contributing to the long-term stability and sustainability of its ecosystem.
Key words:  Yellow River estuary  channel morphology  erosion and deposition dynamics  erosion/ deposition centers
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Supervised by: 中国科协技术协会 Sponsored by: 中国海洋湖沼学会
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