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徐菲1, 徐开达1, 张洪亮1, 卢占晖1, 周永东1, 李羽如2, 叶莹莹3, 马文静1, 金梓慧1
关键词:  岱衢洋  ABC曲线  聚类分析  生物量粒径谱
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2023YFD2401901);浙江省科技厅项目(2021C02047、LGN21C190005); 浙江省渔业资源调查专项(HYS-CZ-202405)
Characteristics of community structure and biomass particle size spectrum of swimming animals in spring and autumn in Daiqu Ocean area
xufei1, xukaida1, zhanghongliang1, luzhanhui1, zhouyongdong1, liyuru2, yeyingying3, mawenjing1, jinzihui1
1.Zhejiang Institute of Marine Fisheries;2.College of Fisheries, Zhejiang Ocean University;3.National Engineering Research Center for Marine Aquaculture
To understand the swimming animal resources and community stability characteristics in the Daiqiuyang Sea area, based on the fishery resources survey data from two cruises in October (autumn) 2023 and April (spring) 2024 in the Daiqiuyang Sea area, the ABC curve method and clustering analysis were used to analyze the community structure of swimming animals, and the fish biomass size spectrum and crustacean biomass size spectrum were constructed. The differences in the characteristic parameters of the spring and autumn season community biomass size spectra were compared and analyzed. The results show that the number of fish species decreased, while the number of crustacean species increased; the Sheldon-type biomass size spectrum of fish and crustaceans in the spring season showed irregular sawtooth shape, while the biomass size spectrum of fish and crustaceans in the autumn season showed "M" shape; the curvature of the standardized biomass size spectrum of fish in the spring season was greater than that in the autumn season, and the curve was relatively flat, indicating less disturbance; the community structure of crustaceans in the spring and autumn seasons was relatively stable. The study shows that the fish community and crustacean community in the Daiqiuyang Sea area are mainly composed of small individuals, with a lack of large-sized swimming animals, and the energy transmission efficiency is low. Further management and protection of the Daiqiuyang Sea area is needed in the future.
Key words:  Daiquyang  ABC curve  Cluster analysis  Biomass particle size spectrum
Copyright ©  海洋与湖沼 Oceanologia et Limnlolgia Sinica Copyright©2008 All Rights Reserved
Supervised by: 中国科协技术协会 Sponsored by: 中国海洋湖沼学会
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