Volume 32,Issue 11,2008 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Experiment and Technology

A new method for the enrichment and measurement of radium in ground Brine
  魏 伟,康兴伦,江雪艳,于志刚,杜金洲,张卫国
  Abstract(2027)  View PDF(2301)


Selective breeding and pedigree foundation of Litopenaeus va n2namei
  陈 锚,吴长功,相建海,黄 皓,刘小林,刘翠红,何建国,孙成波
  Abstract(2318)  View PDF(3054)
Comparison of the PCR-DGGE fingerprints in the gastrointestinal predominant bacterial community in Lutjanus sebae
  周志刚,石鹏君,姚 斌,何夙旭,苏永全
  Abstract(1799)  View PDF(1888)
Cloning the Oligopeptide Permease (opp ) gene cluster from Edwardsiella tarda fosmid library
  杨佳银,莫照兰,茅云翔,李 杰,叶旭红,王 波
  Abstract(1633)  View PDF(2293)
Effect of Ti addition on hot-dip zinc coating
  闫瑞华,张 克,孙虎元,孙立娟,刘增文
  Abstract(2117)  View PDF(2719)
Investigation on immune cells in head kidney of Pseudosciaena crocea
  徐晓津,王 军,谢仰杰,苏永全
  Abstract(1602)  View PDF(3210)
Determination of the nutrients of Onchidium struma and evaluation of its quality
  Abstract(1784)  View PDF(2640)


Multilayer-distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in surface sea water of the Yellow Sea in spring
  张正斌,张 闯,刘莲生,宫海东,皇华伟,刘春颖
  Abstract(2133)  View PDF(2266)
Purification and partial biochemical characterization of hatching enzyme from Paralichthys olivaceus
  Abstract(1742)  View PDF(1940)
Chemical constituents of Hypocreales sp., an endophytic fungus derived from the red alga Symphyocladia latiuscula
  Abstract(2368)  View PDF(2678)
Dynamics of lipid accumulation in marine microalga Chlorella vulgaris promoted by iron
  Abstract(1788)  View PDF(2883)
Wavelet transform and multi-scale decomposition of Bouguer gravity data of the South Yellow Sea
  Abstract(1679)  View PDF(2088)
The changing of typical bay coastline in Yantai in recent 20 years
  Abstract(1898)  View PDF(2843)


Research progress in the chemical factors affecting red tide
  Abstract(1604)  View PDF(2560)
The photochemical reaction of humic substance in water
  Abstract(1688)  View PDF(4179)
Biochemical characteration and molecular cloning of penaeid shrimp hemolymph lipoproteins
  李晓华,王宝杰,王 雷,熊冬金,刘??梅,蒋克勇
  Abstract(1484)  View PDF(1949)
Economic and environmental benefits of ocean thermal energy conversion
  王 迅,李 赫,谷 琳
  Abstract(1570)  View PDF(3709)


Relationship between fishing ground of Symlectoteuthis oualaniensis and sea surface height in the northwest Indian ocean
  Abstract(1709)  View PDF(2599)
Study on culture conditions for alginase production by alginate degrading bacterium Gracillibacillus sp. A7
  Abstract(1722)  View PDF(2077)
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