Volume 30,Issue 2,2006 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Experiment and Technology

Preliminary isolation of microsatellite based on SAMPL technique in shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis
  张留所,孔晓瑜,喻子牛,孔 杰,相建海
  Abstract(1430)  View PDF(2035)
Biological characteristics and artificial breeding technique in a large scale of cobia, Rachycentron canadum
  陈浩如,孙丽华,胡建兴,严 岩
  Abstract(1516)  View PDF(3176)


Study on seawater toilet-flushing sewage treatment by immobilized activated sludge
  Abstract(1494)  View PDF(1953)
Researching of articial breeding of Perinereis aibuhitensis Grube
  蒋霞敏,林少珍,王春琳,徐 镇
  Abstract(1576)  View PDF(2491)
A preliminary study on fishery biology of main commercial fishes surveyed from the bottom trawl fisheries in the East China Sea
  林龙山,郑元甲,程家骅,刘 勇,凌建忠
  Abstract(1914)  View PDF(2841)
Study on the induction of eyebot larval settlement and metamorphosis of Coelomactra antiquata using L-DOPA
  刘文彪,高如承,黄振彬,骆 轩,罗彩林,王 静
  Abstract(1963)  View PDF(2124)
Preliminary studies on the properties of alginic acid decomposing enzymes
  冯 蕾,唐学玺,王艳玲,杨 震
  Abstract(1636)  View PDF(2141)
Study on conditions of chitosanase from Aspergillus fumigatus by liquid fermentation
  周 桂,何子平,禤金彩
  Abstract(1652)  View PDF(2229)
Environment capacity predicted in the Olympic sailing games’ district
  Abstract(1739)  View PDF(1961)
Identification and antibacterial activity of marine Streptomyces from Jiaozhou Bay
  侯竹美,崔洪霞,赵方庆,高 全,秦 松
  Abstract(1646)  View PDF(2285)
A strategic choice of regional sustainable development in the abandoned the Yellow River delta
  Abstract(1555)  View PDF(2048)
Design and implement of a marine dynamical environment integrated observing and information-sharing system
  Abstract(1898)  View PDF(5026)
The lectins from sea worm Chaetopterus variopedatus: isolation and biological activity
  孔 静,熊川男,李 伟,孔 亮,金 桥,白雪芳,杜昱光
  Abstract(1948)  View PDF(2214)
Effects of environmental factors on spermatozoa motility of Tegillarca granosa
  Abstract(1703)  View PDF(1886)


Progress of marine biogeochemical processes in China
  宋金明,徐亚岩,张 英,李学刚,袁华茂
  Abstract(1674)  View PDF(3826)
Seabed records on global warming
  Abstract(1435)  View PDF(1897)
The principles and application of the Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere ( MOPITT)
  Abstract(1611)  View PDF(2631)

Science scope

Progress in marine biological culture collection centreⅢ: research development of monospore seeding technique for cultivated Porphyra without using shells
  Abstract(1561)  View PDF(1914)


Primary analysis on genetic diversity in cultured stock of Paralichthys lethostigma
  尤 锋,吴志昊,王 伟,徐冬冬,许建和,倪 静,孙 威,张培军,徐永立,杨学宋,孙寿科
  Abstract(1580)  View PDF(2319)
Study on the breeding of Paralichthys olivaceus distributing in the Taiwan Straits
  Abstract(1551)  View PDF(2440)
Some measurements of the minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata
  祝 茜,马 牧,李 响,赖鹏翔
  Abstract(1680)  View PDF(3016)
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