Volume 31,Issue 6,2007 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Experiment and Technology

Studies on keeping stock of Bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians
  谷 震,李云福,邢光敏,刘路伟,邵铁凡,曹杰英,范朝河,王学敏,苏 利
  Abstract(1571)  View PDF(1987)
Survival rate on the different stages of Argopecten irradians in the different exposure times
  于瑞海,辛 荣,赵 强,包振民,王昭萍,孔令锋
  Abstract(1592)  View PDF(2156)


The study on the development potentials of experience tourism of the eastern coastal cities in Shandong Province
  孙希华,宋立杰,李 平
  Abstract(1639)  View PDF(2220)
Data warehouse design plan for the Bohai Sea laser single molecule benthal geochemical prospect of petroleum and gas appraisement and forecast system
  初晓璐,杨作升,张 勇,刘 展,李谷祺
  Abstract(1787)  View PDF(1952)
Probability characteristic study of physical model test of the Olympiad Sailing Games
  刘德辅,李奉利,荆 昆,姜云鹏
  Abstract(1947)  View PDF(1845)
The effect of β-carotene on ovary development and immunological parameters of Eriocheir sinensis
  Abstract(1615)  View PDF(2089)
Verifying the dynamic properties of KSS31 M marine gravity-meter by the observed gravity reading and GPS data
  Abstract(1508)  View PDF(1897)
Distribution features of nutrients in the maximum turbid zone of the Changjiang estuary and its adjacent sea areas
  周淑青,沈志良,李 峥,姚 云
  Abstract(1920)  View PDF(2033)
Vertical distributions of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediment cores of Zhelin Bay
  杜 虹,李 金,黄长江,董巧香
  Abstract(1858)  View PDF(2076)
Recombinant expression of Qingdao amphioxus myosin heavy chain gene fragment
  马俊凯,谭训刚,张培军,徐 芃,邢福国,徐永立
  Abstract(1787)  View PDF(2228)
Study on the relationship between the concentration distributions of the silicate in the Yangtze River Mouth Fishing Area & in Zhoushan Fishing Area and the biomass
  Abstract(1640)  View PDF(2179)


Dominant empirical mode of wind fields over east Asian monsoon region anomaly and its connection with ENSO
  武 贺,齐 鹏,侯一筠
  Abstract(1639)  View PDF(1910)
Mathematical analysis of the factors affecting the net weight of Litopenaeus vannamei
  李 刚,刘小林,黄 皓,崔朝霞
  Abstract(1778)  View PDF(2556)
Use of indirect ELISA to detect pathogenic bacterium Vibrio anguillarum SMP1
  邹玉霞,莫照兰,高 光,刘 婷,张培军
  Abstract(1758)  View PDF(2194)


Studies on marine cyanobacteria genomics
  赵方庆,梁成伟,秦 松
  Abstract(1496)  View PDF(3126)
Progress in carbon stable isotope research of organic carbon in aquatic sediments
  薛 博,严重玲,傅 强
  Abstract(1600)  View PDF(2891)
The use of immunological procedures for the detection of harmful algae
  亓海刚,米铁柱,甄 毓,辛泽毓,李荣秀,于志刚
  Abstract(1424)  View PDF(2052)
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