Volume 37,Issue 6,2013 Table of Contents

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  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1613)  View PDF(1959)
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1190)  View PDF(1183)


Recombinant expression and antimicrobial activity analysis of hemocyanin C-terminal fragments from Fenneropenaeus chinensis in Pichia pastoris
  邱楚雯,刘 梅,王宝杰,蒋克勇,孙姝娟,孟晓林,骆作勇,王 雷
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(2140)  View PDF(2434)
Molecular phylogeny of several common Gracilaria species inferred from 18S rRNA, cox2-3 intergenic spacer and RUBISCO spacer sequence comparisons
  赵小波,逄少军,刘 峰
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(2048)  View PDF(2420)
Analysis of the molecular phylogenetic relationships of 10 Gymnothorax species from China Seas based on 16S rDNA fragment sequences
  杜 民,尹绍武,刘艳红,牛宝珍,齐兴柱,张 本,廖经球,霍 蕊
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(2539)  View PDF(2427)
Influence of Enteromorpha prolifera (Chlorophyta) on the phytoplankton community structure
  张 雪,栾青杉,孙坚强,王 俊
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1910)  View PDF(3145)
Microstructure and content of biomineralizing calcium carbonate in the shell of Balanus reticulates Utinomi
  赖水发,陈 新,彭明栋,张彬山,王 芳,张哲进,唐 敏
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(2081)  View PDF(2559)
Development of feature models for typical ocean fronts in offshore area around China
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1885)  View PDF(2544)
Effect of diesel dispersion on cytochrome P450 activity of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus
  马忠强,高亚丽,刚 锰,杨柏林,熊德琪
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(2108)  View PDF(2086)
The effects of dietary protein and fat on growth and flesh quality of Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar L.) in the recirculating aquaculture system
  柳 阳,李 勇,高婷婷,孙亚琼,邦维,王顺奎,王晓晨
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1975)  View PDF(3162)
Clone, sequential analysis and differential expression during the process of hydrogen-production of cofactor-dependent phosphoglycerate mutase (dPGM) gene in Pantoea agglomerans
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(2385)  View PDF(2280)
Effect of different diets on growth, digestive enzymes activities in liver and nutritional composition in visceral mass of Hemifusus tuba Gmelin
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(2252)  View PDF(2294)
Effect of oxidation reduction potential of seawater on corrosion behavior of 3C steel
  丁 慧
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1759)  View PDF(3003)
Effects of enrichment on the free amino acid content in Artimia nauplii using methionine or Schizochytrium
  马 静,秦帮勇,王新星,常 青
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1880)  View PDF(1985)
Study on grain-size characteristics and deposition rate in the Guanhe Estuary of Jiangsu Province
  徐 芳,冯秀丽,陈斌林,贺心然,魏 飞
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1872)  View PDF(2481)
The index system and technology method of marine ecological function zoning in small scale—A case study of offshore area in Changxing island
  许 妍,梁 斌,兰冬东,鲍晨光,于春艳,马明辉
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(2069)  View PDF(2534)
Composition and distribution of detrital minerals in surface sediments and their relations with hydrodynamic environment in the Tieshan Bay, Guangxi Province
  张云吉,王 凤,金秉福
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1733)  View PDF(2783)
Effects of TVD schemes on the numerical simulation of the internal solitary wave
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(2007)  View PDF(2602)
Influence of trace elements on cell growth and hydrogen production of the salt-tolerant Enterobacter cloacae
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1745)  View PDF(2433)


The fate, transport and diffusion behaviors of subsea spilled oil
  段丽琴,宋金明,李学刚,袁华茂,李 宁
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1556)  View PDF(3250)
A review of the investigation techniques for the ocean dynamic environment in the deep layer
  Published 6月 15日, 2013
  Abstract(1825)  View PDF(2991)
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