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林丽茹1, 胡建宇1,2
利用1992~2001年Topex/Poseidon卫星高度计遥感资料分析了太平洋东南海域 (5°~55°S ,70°~110°W)海面高度的季节及年际变化特征。研究结果表明 ,海区海面高度的季节变化总体上受太阳辐射季节变化的影响 ,南半球夏季 (1~3月 )和秋季 (4~6月 )大致为正距平 ,而冬季 (7~9月 )和春季 (10~12月 )大致为负距平 ,1996~1998年除外 ;同时 ,受季节性风场、海区罗斯贝波等的影响 ,海面高度变化的区域特征性很强。海面高度的年际变化在低纬处和沿岸还受ElNino影响。
关键词:  太平洋东南海域  Topex/Poseidon  海面高度距平
Seasonal and interannual variation of sea surface height in southeast Pacific
The seasonal and interannual variation of sea level anomaly (SLA) of southeast Pacific( 5o ~ 55oS,70o ~ 110oW) have been analyzed using Topex / Poseidon altimeter data during year 1999 ~ 2001. The result shows that the seasonal variation of SLA was related to seasonal solar radiation. Positive SLA dominated the studied area in austral summer (Jan. ~ Mar. ) and autumn(Apr. ~ Jun. ), while negative one dominates in austral winter(Jul. ~ Sep. ) and spring (Oct. ~ Dec. ), except for the years of 1996 ~ 1998. Meanwhile, due to seasonal variation of wind stress and the propagation of Rossby wave, SLA showed strong geographical difference. In addition, the interannual variation of SLA was affected by El Nino at low latitude and coastal areas.
Key words:  Southeast Pacific  Topex /Poseidon  sea level anomaly
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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