摘要: |
用KCl、肾上腺素(EPI)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、L-DOPA和GABA(γ-氨基丁酸)进行了不同浓度不同处理时间对硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria L.)幼虫变态诱导实验。结果表明,KCl、肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素和L-DOPA对硬壳蛤幼虫的变态均有诱导作用,而GABA的诱导作用不显著。KCl的最佳诱导浓度随处理时间不同而有所不同。处理时间为1~24,48,72 h时KCl的最佳诱导浓度分别为33.56,20.13~26.85,13.42 mmol/L。肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素的诱导作用与浓度和处理时间均有关。肾上腺素的最佳处理浓度为100μmol/L,最佳处理时间均为8 h,此时幼虫变态率提高最大,为36.97个百分点。当去甲肾上腺素的诱导浓度为100μmol/L,处理时间为8~16 h时,幼虫变态率提高也较大,均大于18个百分点,死亡率增加,但均低于30个百分点,当去甲肾上腺素诱导浓度为500μmol/L时,虽然在8~16 h的处理时间范围内,幼虫变态提高率也较大,均大于18个百分点,但当处理时间超过8 h,在16~48 h范围内,幼虫死亡率提高明显增大,均大于50个百分点。L-DOPA的适宜诱导浓度为10~50μmol/L,适宜处理时间为8~24 h,此时幼虫变态率均提高30个百分点以上,最高可提高79.43个百分点。GABA的诱导作用较弱,最佳诱导浓度随处理时间的不同而有所不同,处理时间为24 h和48 h时,最佳诱导浓度为0.1μmol/L;处理时间为0.5~16 h时,最佳诱导浓度为100μmol/L。 |
关键词: 化学物质 硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria L. ) 变态 诱导 |
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基金项目:国家“863”项目(2004AA603810);国家自然科学基金项目(30200214);国家级星火计划项目(2004EA741014);山东省科技兴海项目“硬壳蛤工厂化育苗与养殖产业化开发”;青岛市重大科技项目“硬壳蛤工厂化人工育苗与示范” |
Induction of metamorphosis of the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria larvae by chemical cues |
Abstract: |
The abilities of KCl, epinephrine (EPI) , norepinephrine (NE) , L-DOPA, and GABA (C- aminobutyric acid) to induce metamorphosis of Mercenaria mercenaria L. larvae were studied. Results suggested that KCl, EPI, NE, L-DOPA were active inducers of metamorphosis, whilst GABA was less effective. Optimum concentration of KCl varied with different exposure time, and was 33.56 mmol/L when the exposure time was 1~24h, with metamorphosis rate increments all > 24 percentage. The optimum concentrations of KCl were 20.13~26.85 mmo l/ L and 13.42 mmol/ L when the exposure time lasted 48h and 72h, respectively. The inductive effects of EPI and NE were dose-and time-dependent. The optimum concentration of EPI was 100 Lmo l/ L at 8h exposure time, with the highest metamorphosis rate increment being 36.97 percentage. The metamorphosis rate increment was> 18 percentage when the larvae were exposed to 100 Lmo l/ L NE for 8~16h, with the mortality rate increment all< 30 percentage. Exposure to 500Lmol/ L NE for 8~16 h was also sufficient for the larvae to increase metamorphosis rate> 18 percentage, but prolonged exposure time ( 16~48 h) caused toxic effect, with the mortality rate increasing significantly, all> 50 percentage. The better inductive effects of L-DOPA were archived when the larvae were exposed in 10 Lmol/ L and 50Lmo l/ L for 8~24 h, with the metamorphosis rate increment> 30 percentage. |
Key words: chemical cues Mercenaria mercenaria metamorphosis induction |