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尤 锋1, 徐世宏1, 许建和1,2, 徐冬冬1, 马道远1, 张培军1, 李 军1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.淮海工学院
于2004年11~12月在青岛薛家岛养鱼场采用夏牙鲆 (Paralichthys dentatus)的精子与牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)的卵子实施了多次人工杂交实验,并进行了父本母本鱼类个体、子代的染色体制片观察和细胞中DNA相对含量的流式细胞仪检测。结果表明,夏牙鲆染色体数为48,核型为2n=48t、臂数NF=48;子代的染色体数和核型与父母本的一样,也为2n=48t;子代的细胞中DNA的相对含量也表明其为二倍体。因此,可以明确其为杂交的后代,而不是雌核发育。
关键词:  夏牙鲆(Paralichthys dentatus)  牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)  人工杂交  细胞遗传
Cytogenetics study on hybridization between summer flounder and left-eyed flounder
Viable interspecific hybrids between summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus and left-eyed flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus were produced by artificial fertilization of left-eyed flounder eggs with summer flounder sperm. Karyotypes of summer flounder, left-eyed flounder and their hybrids were analyzed and are the same(2 n = 48 t). The similar results in relative DNA contents tested by Flow Cytometry were also presented. After analyzing, it is confirmed that these hybrids are true filial generation of these two flounders but the gynogenesis of left-eyed flounder was induced by heterogeneous sperm of summer flounder.
Key words:  Paralichthys dentatus  Paralichthys olivaceus  artificial hybridization  cytogenetics
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