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叶启旺1, 洪万树2, 张其永2, 江国强1, 蔡珠金1, 王昌各1
在总面积为3 340 m2的4口土池(835 m2/口)进行大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmus pectinirostris(Linnaeus))育苗试验研究。共放养1龄和2龄亲鱼11 000尾,2004年5月16日~5月21日和5月31日~6月4日先后孵出两批仔鱼,每批次的孵化时间持续5~6 d,共孵出仔鱼330×104尾。采用泼洒泥浆、接种轮虫、施肥、调节池水盐度和遮阳控制水温等方法进行仔稚鱼培育,土池育苗取得了突破性进展。初孵仔鱼经过34~53 d的培育,共培育出幼鱼34.76×104尾,幼鱼平均全长23.1 mm,平均体质量100.0 mg,平均成活率10.5%。试验结果表明,大弹涂鱼亲鱼未经性激素注射能在土池洞穴内自然产卵孵化,采取合理的技术措施在土池中进行大弹涂鱼批量育苗是可行的。
关键词:  大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmus pectinirostris(Linnaeus))  土池育苗  产卵孵化
Larval rearing of the mud skipper in the earth ponds
Larval rearing of the mud skipper(Boleophthalmus pectinirostris) was carried out in four earth ponds with an area of 835 m2 each(total area 3 340 m2). 11 000 broodfish of ages 1~2 were introduced to the ponds. Two batches of larvae hatched from May 16 to May 21 and from May 31 to June 4, respectively. Hatching period lasted 5~6 days for each batch. 330 millions of newly hatched larvae were obtained. Sea slurry was sprayed and rotifers were introduced to the ponds for the initial feeding of the larvae. The earth ponds were also fertilized to grow algae and food organisms. Fresh water was pumped to the ponds to control salinity and the ponds were overshadowed to control water temperature. Larval rearing was achieved successively. A total number of 347 600 young fish were obtained after 34~53 days of rearing, with 2.31 cm in an average total length, 0.1 g in an average body weight and an average survival rate of 10.5%. The results indicated that the mud skipper broodfish could spawn spontaneously in the earth ponds without receiving hormonal injection and it is possible to culture mud skipper fry on a lager scale in the earth ponds.
Key words:  mud skipper(Boleophthalmus pectinirostris)  larval rearing  spawning and hatching
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
Address: 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, China.  Postcode: 266071  Tel: 0532-82898755  E-mail: bjb@qdio.ac.cn
Technical support: Beijing E-Tiller Co.,Ltd.