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丘耀文1,2, 朱良生2, 徐梅春2, 陈秀华2
在分析2001年冬季和2002年夏季海陵湾附近海域涨、落潮表底层水体中水温、盐度、pH、溶解氧、化学耗氧量、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、铵盐、活性磷酸盐和叶绿素a的时空分布特征的基础上,应用营养状态质量指数 (INQ)的方法评价该海域的水体富营养化状况,用多元线性回归的方法分析叶绿素a与水环境要素的相互关系。结果表明,该海域水体污染尚轻,各环境因子在涨、落潮时无明显变化,水域的初级生产力从过去由N控制转变为现在由P控制,水体营养状况介于贫营养至中营养水平,叶绿素a与水环境要素相关性良好(相关系数r>0.81)。
关键词:  环境因子  富营养化评价  多元线性回归  海陵湾
The characteristics of key environmental factors in the water of Hailing Bay,Guangdong Province
On the basis of analyzing the contents and their spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demanded, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, chlorophyll-a and total oils in the surface and bottom sea water of Hailing Bay during flood tide and ebb tide in the winter of 2001 and the summer of 2002 the environment quality, nutrient quality index(INQ) is used to assess the eutrophication in the water areas of Hailing Bay, and multivariance linear regression is used to analyze the relationship between chlorophyll-a and key environmental factors. Results show that water pollution of Hailing Bay is slight, the values of the environmental factors are not remarkably changed during flood tide and ebb tide, primary productivity is controled by present phosphorus instead of by past nitrogen, water eutrophication status is between oligotrophic and mesotrophic, corrlalion between chlorophyll-a and key environmental factors is quite good(relative coefficient R is above 0.81).
Key words:  environmental factors  eutrophication  multivariance linear regression  Hailing Bay
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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