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吴水根1, 谭勇华1, 周建平1
为准确测出光、电缆的位置,利用G880铯光泵磁力仪,在芦潮港和大小洋山之间进行了磁力探测。经过探测,海底通信光缆能引起8~20 nT磁异常,海底动力电缆能引起约2 000 nT的强磁异常,根据磁异常形态曲线可定出光缆的位置。依据光缆的结构原理图,分析探讨光、电缆产生磁异常的原因。
关键词:  光泵磁力仪  光缆  磁异常  铁磁性障碍物
Application of G-880 cesium optical-pump marine magnetometer to marine engineering detection
Along with the fast development of communications in the littoral, the engineering to lay optical cables in the sea bed is more and more frequently being done and interlaced optical cables are incidentally destroyed by artificial and natural causes or the request of ocean engineering. This demands to survey well and truly locate the position of optical cables. We used G-880 cesium optical-pump marine magnetometer to survey magnetic fields between Luchao port, big mountain and small mountain. We find that communication optical cable can arouse some magnetic anomaly from 8 nT to 20 nT, and the power cable can arouse an aomaly about(2 000 nT). Basing on the anomaly shape, we can confirm the positions of the optical cable and power cable. And according to the makeups of optical cable and power cable, we can analyze and discuss the source of magnetism anomaly.
Key words:  cesium optical-pump marine magnetometer  optical fiber cable  magnetism anomaly  iron magnetism block  
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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Technical support: Beijing E-Tiller Co.,Ltd.