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中国海蝉虾亚科Scyllarinae Latreille, 1825(Crustacea: Decapoda: Palinura)的研究
张 昭1,2, 刘瑞玉1
报告了蝉虾亚科Scyllarinae分类研究最新进展和中国海的种类。根据Holthuis 2002年在蝉虾属Scyllarus Fabricius, 1775之外为印度-太平洋的种建立了13个新属的最新研究进展,记载中国海蝉虾亚科8属12种,内含1新纪录;讨论了有关的分类问题和地理分布特点,纠正了过去的错误鉴定,分清了种的混淆。
关键词:  蝉虾亚科Scyllarinae  分类  地理分布  中国海
Studies on the Subfamily Scyllarinae(Crustacea: Decapoda: Palinura) from China coast
Thirteen new genera were established in the revision of Indo-Pacific species of Scyllarinae (Crustacea Decapoda) by Holthuis in 2002. Based on materials deposited in the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and available literature, twelve species of Scyllarinae belonging to eight genera are recorded from the China seas, of which one species, viz. Chelarctus aureus (Holthuis,1963), is recorded for the first time from Chinese waters. All species are distributed only in subtropical and tropical waters south to the Yangtze River mouth situated at the northern East China Sea. The species are listed as follows: 1. Bathyarctus chani Holthuis, 2002. 2. Bathyarctus formosanus (Chan & Yu, 1992). 3. Biarctus sordidus (Stimpson, 1860). 4. Biarctus vitiensis (Dana, 1852). 5. *Chelarctus aureus (Holthuis,1963). 6. Chelarctus cultrifer (Ortmann,1897). 7. Eduarctus martensii(Pfeffer, 1881). 8. Galearctus kitanoviriosus (Harada, 1962). 9. Petractus brevicornis (Holthuis, 1946). 10. Petrarctus rugosus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837). 11. Remiarctus bertholdii (Paulson, 1875). 12. Scammarctus batei(Holthuis, 1946).
Key words:  Scyllarinae  taxonomy  geographical distribution  The China seas
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