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曹立民1,2, 李 健1, 刘 淇1, 王 群1
应用高效液相色谱法研究了凡纳滨对虾 (Litopenaeus vannamei)摄食诺氟沙星强化卤虫(Artemia)的药物代谢动力学。结果表明:强化4~8 h,卤虫体内的药物质量浓度达到最高,此后卤虫体内药物摄入和排除达到一个动态平衡;温度影响诺氟沙星在卤虫体内半衰期:体长3mm和6 mm的卤虫,在4,16,28℃时的半衰期分别为51.33,19.29,18.64 h和39.67,13.26,12.6 h。对虾摄食诺氟沙星强化的卤虫后,对虾组织中药物质量浓度经时过程符合一级吸收二室开放模型;投喂剂量对TmaxCmax影响较大,当对虾给药质量分 数分别为800,400,200mg/kg时,肌肉中给药后出现最高血药的时间或达峰时间分别为0.403,0.540,0.481 h;肝胰脏中给药后出现最高血药的时间或达峰时间分别为0.826,1.839,1.469 h;肌肉中给药后的最高血药质量浓度分别为98.943,46.752,10.887 mg/L;肝胰脏中给药后的最高血药质量浓度分别为738.267,597.352,415.268 mg/L。药物在对虾肌肉的消除半衰期(约26.688 h)明显长于肝胰脏中消除半衰期(约13.988 h)。
关键词:  凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)  诺氟沙星  卤虫(Artemia)  药代动力学
Studies on pharmacokinetics of norfloxacin in Litopenaeus vannamei fed Artemia enriched with norfloxacin
The pharmacokinetics is studied norfloxacin in Artemia and Litopenaeus vannamei by high performance liquid chromatography. The result demonstrated that the concentration of norfloxacin in Artemia can achieve its maximum after 4~8 h. The homeostasis can be achieved between ingestion and elimination; temperature can infect T(1/2)β of norfloxacin in Artemia: T(1/2)β were 51.33, 19.29, 18.64 h in 3 mm long Artemia at 4, 16 and 28℃; T(1/2)β were 39.67, 13.26 and 12.6 h in 6 mm long Artemia at 4, 16 and 28℃. The results showed that the tissue of L. vannamei concentration-time course of norfloxacine can be described by a two compartment open model with the first order absorption after fed Artemia was enriched with norfloxacin. Tmax and Cmax were infected with doses greatly, after oral administration at doses of 800 ,400, and 200 mg/kg respectively, Tmax were 0.403, 0.540, 0.481 h in the muscle; Tmax were 0.826, 1.839, 1.469 h in the hepatopancreas; Cmax were 98.943, 46.752, 10.887 mg/L in the muscle; Cmax were 738.267, 597.352, 415.268 mg/L in the hepatopancreas. T(1/2)β(about 26.688 h)in the muscle was longer than T(1/2)β(about 13.988 h)in the hepatopancreas obviously.
Key words:  Litopenaeus vannamei  norfloxacin  Artemia  pharmacokinetics
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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