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高爱根1, 陈全震1, 曾江宁1,2, 周青松1, 杨俊毅1
通过2003年6月对鳌江口南侧苍南县3条泥相潮间带断面的 调查分析,鉴定出潮间带底栖动物74种,其中多毛类8种,软体动物24种,甲壳动物26种,棘皮动物1种,其他类动物15种。平均生物量和栖息密度分别为 103.74 g/m2,667个/m2,软体动物和甲壳动物可占总生物量的72%和15%,断面数量平面分布为巴曹>白沙>海城,垂直分布中潮区> 高潮区>低潮区,多样性指数H′值北侧白沙断面(1.82)大于南侧巴曹断面(1.61),均匀度J值中间海城断面为最大(0.72),调查区域北端鳌江淡水注入和南端外侧琵琶山阻挡,海流及潮汐的作用影响不一,致使该区潮间带动物种类和数量在南北断面间有较大差异。
关键词:  泥相潮间带  底栖动物  生态
Ecological characteristics of the marine benthic organisms in the muddy intertidal zone of Cangnan
This paper reports the results of research on the benthos at muddy bottom in three sections(along)the south-side of the estuary of the Aojiang River, Cangnan County in June, 2003. Seventy-four species have been identified, in which, 8 species are polychaetes, 24 species are mollusks, 26 species are crustaceans, one is echinodermate, and other 15 species belong to other groups. The average biomass and density are 103.74 g/m2 and 667 ind/m2 respectively. Mollusks and crustaceans occupied 72% and 15% of the total biomass respectively. The values of vertical changes of biomass and diversity are as follows: the mid-tide area > the high-tide(area)> the low-tide area. The highest value of H′ appears at Baisha, while the lowest appears at Bacao. The highest value of J′ appears at Haicheng. The differences of species and amount between north and south sections at the investigation area are caused by the co-action of the Aojiang River, sea current and tide.
Key words:  muddy intertidal zone  zoobenthos  ecology
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