摘要: |
用阳离子交换树脂吸附石墨炉原子吸收法测定海水中痕量 Cu,Pb,Cd。实验选定了最佳的测定条件。结果表明,在弱碱性条件下,Cu,Pb,Cd能同时被阳离子交换树脂定量吸附。方法的相对标准偏 差<3﹪,样品加标回收率93﹪~102﹪,检出限分别为Cu 0.06μg/L,Pb 0.06μg/L,Cd 0.005μg/L。本法操作简便、快速、无干扰、无污染,已用于海水中铜、铅、镉的分析,取得了令人满意的结果。 |
关键词: 阳离子交换树脂 石墨炉原子吸收法 海水 铜 铅 镉 |
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Determinations of trace Copper,Lead and Cadmium in seawater by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with cation exchange resin |
Abstract: |
In this paper, a method for determinations of trace copper, lead and cadmium in seawater by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with cation exchange resin was established. The optimum conditions of the determinations were discussed. The results showed that copper, lead and cadmium in the weak alkaline medium(pH7~9) can be quantitatively absorbed simultaneously. The relative standard deviation is less than 3﹪ and the recoveries for the added standard are between 93﹪~102﹪. The determination limits(μg/L)for copper,lead and cadmium are 0.06, 0.06 and 0.005, respectively, Without interferences and contamination, this method is simple and rapid. The method has been successfully applied to the determinations of trace copper, lead and cadmium in seawater with satisfactory results. |
Key words: cation exchange resin graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry seawater copper lead cadmium |