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许 飞1,2, 刘 晓1, 张国范1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 研究生院
为确定测量各种壳形态牡蛎壳腔容积的适宜方法,比较了排水 法和称重法在测量圆形与长形等两种不同形态牡蛎体积中的异同。分别选取两种形状的牡蛎各9只,每个个体重复测量5次。结果表明,牡蛎形状对两种方法的测量 结果有显著影响,但是形状和测量方法对测量精确度的影响不显著(P>0.05)。两种方法测得的壳腔容积结果相近,都能满足计算条件指数的要求,其 中称重法的适用性更广。
关键词:  长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)  壳腔容积  排水法  称重法
Comparison of two methods to measure the internal shell cavity volume of oyster
Two types of oysters with distinct shell shapes were measured simultaneously by two methods in order to obtain the internal shell cavity volumes, including the method of draining water and the method of weighing. The object was to find the best method to acquire more accurate results. 9 of each shaped oysters were selected and measured 5 times repeatedly. Results showed that: the shape of oyster as well as the method of measure affected the results, but did little in the precision(P>0.05). Both methods received very similar results, which could meet the needs of computing the "index of condition". The method of weighing showed more advantages in applicability especially for large-sized oysters than the method of draining water.
Key words:  Crassostrea gigas  internal shell cavity volume  method of draining water  method of weighing
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