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王 凯1, 占全安1, 施心慧2
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国海洋大学
借助MITgcm模式使用二维非静力近似在水平方向采用不等 间距网格,模拟了陆坡非旋转重力羽状流的流动。模拟显示陆坡上的重力羽状流的运动比较复杂。通过数值实验,发现改变地形或调整冷源强度都会影响沿陆坡下沉 的低温高密度水的羽状流形态,潮汐亦会对重力羽状流有一定的影响。经计算发现在陆坡处,Richardson数小于1/4,宜发生Kelvin- Helmholtz不稳定性,并由卷挟导致环境流体与高密度流体混合,沿着斜坡加速下滑。
关键词:  陆坡  非旋转流体  重力羽状流  数值模拟
Numerical study of the non-rotational gravity plumes on the slope
The non-rotational gravity plumes on the slope are investigated using a two-dimensional, non-hydrostatic equations numerical MITgcm model. Uniform resolution is used in the vertical and variable resolution of the form is used in the horizontal. It is shown that the flow of dense plumes on the slope is very complex. Numerical studies reveal that the slop of topography and heat flux are important elements for character of dense plumes, as well as tidal current. On the slope, the Richardson number is less than 1/4, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is possible, and leads to entraining ambient fluid into the plame, and hence downwards the slope.
Key words:  continental slope  non-rotation fluid  gravity plumes  numerical study
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