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王 凯1, 叶 冬1,2
应用短期资料的潮流准调和分析方法,对东海三定点测站获得的 表、中、底3层的25 h连续海流资料进行了分析,计算了3测站O1,K1,M2,S2,M4,MS4 6个主要分潮的北、东分量潮流调和常数,并给出了各测站在各层的潮流椭圆要 素。计算结果表明:该海区潮流属于正规半日潮流性质,半日分潮流的北分量大于东分量,呈现旋转流的性质,按顺时针向旋转。分析结果也反映出表层、中层的浅 水分潮在观测海流中所占的份额高于底层的浅水分潮。结果有助于了解该海区的潮流性质并为潮流数值模拟提供校验实测数据。通过与同期获得的悬浮物浓度剖面数 据的比对,将有助于研究潮流与该地区悬浮泥沙浓度分布之间的关系。
关键词:  潮流  准调和分析  调和常数  椭圆要素
Quasi-harmonic analysis on one-day series current data at three anchored stations in the East China Sea
Based on the tidal current quasi-harmonic method for short-term data, we analyze the tidal current characteristics at three stations anchored in the East China Sea for 25 hours which observed at surface, middle and bottom layers. The harmonic coefficients of O3, K1, M2, S2, M4 and MS4 tidal current constituents are calculated in north and east components. The tidal current elliptic factors are also computed. It is shown that the tidal current in the studied area is classified as regular semidiurnal tidal current. The north component of semidiurnal current is generally stronger than the east one from our results. The semidiurnal current rotates clockwise in our observed area. The ratio of shallow water tidal current constituent to observed current in surface layer and middle layer will be greater than that in the bottom one. This research work will be helpful for further understanding the characters of tidal current in this area, and observed data can be help to calibrate the ocean model on tidal current in the East China Sea. Combined with the synchronous observation of suspended sediment, it will also be useful for illustrating the relation between the tidal current and suspended sediment concentration.
Key words:  tidal current  quasi-harmonic analysis  harmonic coefficient  elliptic element
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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