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林更铭1, 杨清良1, 许章程1
利用稳定性二氧化氯对对虾育苗用水预先消毒处理,再配合使用 有益微生物制剂进行凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)封闭式生态育苗。结果表明,稳定性二氧化氯能杀灭水体中的病原体,有益微生物制剂能促进氨氮转化,稳定pH值,确有改善水质之功效,可 做到育苗全过程不用抗生素和换水。该方法能提高对虾育苗存活率和生长速度,培育出的虾苗个体大小均匀、丰满度高。用假设检验法进一步证实实验组虾苗平均体 长与对照组明显差异(显著性水平a≥0.05),两批幼体体长T检验值分别为-5.0和-5.5,实验组个体差异小于对照组,S2<S1
关键词:  凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)  无公害  生态育苗
Ecological breeding of shimps with non-pollution
This paper reported the results of sterilizing water with stabilized chlorine Doxide and application of effective micro-organisms(EM) to improve the ecological environment of aquaria of shrimp culture. It shown that EM did improve water quality, which decreased the concentrations of NH3-N and NO2-N and was also a better PH butter. The method of ecotype breeding with non-environment pollution reduced stress for shrimps and culturing shrimps grew very fast, the survival rate and biological characteristics such as body length and fattiness of juvenile were better than that of the control. The values of T test for 2 batches were-5.0 and-5.5. The difference between the average body length of juvenile shrimps and that of the control group was remarkable(a≥0.05).
Key words:  Litopenaeus vannamei  non-pollution  ecological breeding
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