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罗 杰1, 刘楚吾1, 李 锋1, 曾理想1, 陈加辉1
海水温度28℃的条件下,实验室中研究了不同盐度(12,17,22,27,32)对管角螺(Hemifusus tuba Gmelin)耗氧率和排氨率的影响。实验结果表明:盐度、个体大小对管角螺的耗氧率和排氨率均有显著的影响。盐度为12~27 时,单位体质量管角螺耗氧率随着盐度的升高而增加,并在27 时达到最大值;盐度为27~32 时,随着盐度的升高管角螺的耗氧率降低。管角螺的软体部干质量与单位体质量耗氧率之间的关系符合幂函数方程,呈负相关关系;盐度范围在12~27 时,单位体质量的管角螺排氨率随着盐度的升高而增加,并在27 时达到最大;盐度为27~32 时,随着盐度的升高管角螺的排氨率降低。管角螺的软体部干质量与单位体质量排氨率之间的关系也符合幂函数方程,呈负相关关系。不同规格管角螺的耗氧率、排氨率及O:N 值随着盐度的升高而逐渐增大,并在27 达到最大值,然后随着盐度的升高逐渐减少。
关键词:  盐度  规格  排氨率  耗氧率  管角螺(Hemifusus tuba Gmelin)
Effects of salinity and body weight on oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of Hemifusus tuba(Gmelin)
At seawater temperature 28℃, the effects of different salinities(12,17,22,27,32) on oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of Hemifusus tuba(Gmelin) were studied in laboratory. The results indicated that the oxygen consumption rate and the ammonia-N rate were affected significantly by salinity and the size of individual H. tuba(Gmelin). When salinity is12~27, the oxygen consumption rate of body weight increased with the salinity increases, and reached a peak value in salinity 27. But when the salinity is 27~32, the oxygen consumption rate of H. tuba(Gmelin) reduces with the salinity increase. The relationship between oxygen consumption rate and tissue dry weight can be represented by the allometric equation. When salinity is 12~27, the ammonia excretion rate of body weight H. tuba(Gmelin) increases with the salinity increases and reaches a peak value in 27; In 27~32, with the salinity increase the ammonia excretion rate reduces. The relationship between the ammonia excretion rate and tissue dry weight can be also represented as an allometric equation. The ratio(atomicity O:N) of H. tuba(Gmelin) elevates with the salinity increase at range 12~27, and reaches a peak value in salinity 27, then declines gradually with the increasing of salinity.
Key words:  salinity  body size  ammonia excretion rate  oxygen consumption rate  Hemifusus tuba(Gmelin)
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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