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张学超1, 宋喜红1, 聂新华1
以华能威海电厂2×125MW 工程海水脱硫项目为例对滨海火电厂海水烟气脱硫方法的条件、原理、工艺流程以及脱硫废海水排海后对水质环境的影响进行分析。结果表明, 滨海火电厂利用海水对烟气脱硫取用条件十分方便, 而且达到烟气脱硫、节能减排保护海洋环境的目的。
关键词:  海水  烟气脱硫  水质环境
基金项目:国家863 计划项目(2006A A092421)
The study on marine environmental impact of seawater flue gas desulfurization in the coastal fire power plant
The flue gas desulfurization of fire power plant was the main means to control pollutation of SO2 in the world. Taking the sea water desulphurization project of Huaneng power plant of Weihai with 2×125MW as example, the paper discussed the conditions, principles, technological process of flue gas desulfurization and the effects of sea water desulfurization on the surrounding sea environment. The results indicated that the sea water flue gas desulfurization could utilize the natural coastal conditions fully, and achieved the purpose of protecting the marine environment .
Key words:  sea water  fluegas desulfurization  water quality environment
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