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谢仰杰1,2, 苏永全1, 翁朝红2, 王 军1, 王志勇2
对厦门和湛江海域的条纹斑竹鲨[Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Bennett,1830)]的线粒体DNA控制区和细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因进行PCR扩增和测序,获得线粒体DNA控制区、Cyt b基因和tRNAPro基因全序列(GenBank序列号: EU363740~EU363752)。结果表明,tRNAPro基因长度为69 bp,控制区长度为1 094~1 096 bp,Cyt b基因全序列长度为1 146 bp。tRNAPro基因非常保守,未发现碱基变异。所测30个个体中,控制区只有4个多态位点,5种不同的单倍型;Cyt b基因全序列共有10个多态性位点,7种单倍型。Cyt b基因的1 146个碱基编码381个氨基酸,氨基酸链共有3个变异位点,4种单倍型,厦门群体具有4种单倍型,湛江群体只有1种单倍型。综合Cyt b基因和控制区序列,2个条纹斑竹鲨群体共有10种单倍型,其中厦门群体有9种单倍型,湛江群体仅4种单倍型。研究结果表明条纹斑竹鲨在控制区和Cyt b基因序列上的遗传多样性均较低,厦门群体的遗传多样性水平高于湛江群体。
关键词:  条纹斑竹鲨[Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Bennett ,1830)]  线粒体DNA  控制区  细胞色素b(Cyt b)
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(40776083 ,40876080) ;厦门市科技项目(3502Z20063022)
Studies on mitochondrial DNA control region and cytochrome b gene sequences of whitespotted bambooshark , Chiloscyllium plagiosum
Genetic diversities of Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Bennett,1830) from Xiamen and Zhanjiang were investigated with mitochondrial control region and cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene sequence analysis. Control region and Cyt b gene fragments from 30 individuals were cloned with PCR method and sequenced. The sequences of the mitochondrial control region , Cyt b gene and tRNAPro gene were obtained. The complete sequences of the mitochondrial control region , Cyt b gene and tRNAPro gene were 69 bp,1 094~1 096 bp and 1 146 bp respectively. tRNAPro gene seemed conservative, without any polymorphism. Among 30 samples, there were 4 polymorphyism sites with 5 haplotypes for control region sequence and 10 polymorphyism sites with 7 haplotypes for Cyt b gene sequence. 1 146 bp nucleotide of Cyt b gene encoded 381 amino acids, and the amino acid chain had 3 polymorphyism sites with 4 haplotypes. Samples of Xiamen stock had 4 haplotypes while Zhanjiang stock only 1 haplotype. It was seemed that the genetic diversities in Cyt b and control region from C. plagiosum in Xiamen were comparatively higher than those in Zhanjiang , though both appeared relatively low.
Key words:  Chiloscyllium plagiosum  mitochondrial DNA  control region  cytochrome b
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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