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徐善良1, 沈 勤1,2, 严小军1, 骆其君1
用8种保存方法对淡水和海水水样中四个氮磷营养盐(NH3-N、NO2-N、NO3-N、PO4-P)参数及总氮的稳定性进行了7 d保存效果的比较研究。结果表明,淡水与海水氮磷营养盐的最佳保存方法与效果各不相同,但淡水和海水的总氮值在各种方法保存下均十分恒定。综合考虑有效性及可操作性后提出了5 d内的短期保存技术: (1)海水水样用5 ‰氯仿4 ℃条件下保存,供NH3-N、NO2-N和NO3-N三个营养盐的测定,用5 ‰甲醛4 ℃条件下保存供PO4-P测定; (2) 淡水用5 ‰氯仿4 ℃条件下保存,供NH3-N测定,5 ‰甲醛4 ℃条件保存供NO2-N、NO3-N和PO4-P测定。
关键词:      营养盐  保存  氨氮  亚硝态氮
基金项目:欧盟第六框架计划项目资助( INCO-CT-2004-510706) ;教育部科技创新工程重大项目培育资金资助(705028)
Investigations of the short-term preservation method of nitrogen and phosphorous in water samples
Parameters of nitrogen, phosphorous(NH3-N、NO2-N、NO3-N、PO4-P) and stability of total nitrogen in freshwater and seawater samples in 7 days were comparitively studied to establish a suitable method from eight preservation ones. As the result, the optimal method and effect of preservation were different. But in both seawater and freshwater , the stability of total nitrogen turned out to be constant. Considering effectiveness and maneuverability, the short term preservation methods in 5 days were put forward for: (1) the seawater samples were preserved by 5 ‰ chloroform at 4 ℃ for determining of three nutrients (NH3-N、NO2-N ,and NO3-N), and was preserved by 5 ‰ formaldehyde at 4 ℃ for determining of PO4-P;(2) the freshwater samples were preserved by 5 ‰ chloroform at 4 ℃ for determining of NH3-N , and were preserved by 5 ‰ formaldehyde at 4 ℃ for determining of three nutrients (NO2-N、NO3-N ,PO4-P) .
Key words:  nitrogen  phosphorous  nutrition  preservation  ammonia nitrogen  nitrite nitrogen
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