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通过修改风应力和底摩擦应力的计算方式并引入波致辐射应力,以POM (Princeton?Ocean?Model)和SWAN(Simulating Waves Nearshore)模式为基础构建了浪流相互作用耦合模式,对1994年14号台风过程下的东中国海波流相互作用对水位和波高的影响进行了模拟研究。结果表明:浪流相互作用引起的水位变化主要出现在近岸浅水区。与岸边站点实测水位的对比显示,耦合后的结果相比非耦合结果更接近观测值,特别是在极值水位处。流的存在显著地影响有效波高的计算结果。在黄海海域,流对有效波高的增减在极值处大于0.2 m。在台湾岛东北海域黑潮流系附近,流对有效波高的增加最大可达1.6 m。上述结果对改善近岸风暴潮和海浪预报具有指导意义。
关键词:  浪流相互作用  水位  有效波高  POM  SWAN
A numerical study of the influence of wave-current interaction on water elevation and significant wave height in the East China Sea
JIA Yan,YIN Bao-shu,YANG De-zhou
A coupled wave-current model system is build up base on the Princeton?Ocean?Model (POM) and Simulating Waves Nearshore(SWAN), by modifying the calculation of surface wind stress, bottom stress and wave-induced radiation stress in POM, and exchanging data between POM and SWAN. In this study, several numerical experiments are taken in the East China Sea during No. 14 typhoon case, 1994. The results indicated that the differences of water elevation caused by model coupling are larger in the near-shore shallow areas. Comparison between observation and numerical results indicates that the water elevation is closer to that of the observation when the three stresses are full coupled. The current plays an important role on the calculation of significant wave height. In the Yellow Sea when the tidal current add a 0.2 m height to the peak values in the northeast area of Taiwan, the Kuroshio Current could give a maximum 1.6 m addition height to the peak value. These results can guide the prediction of storm surge and waves.
Key words:  wave-current interaction  water elevation  significant wave height  POM  SWAN
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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