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关键词:  西北太平洋  水汽通量  降水  耦合模态
The spatio-temporal characters of the northwest Pacific water vapor flux and its coupled modes with the summer rainfall in China
QI Qing-hua
Based on the long term atmospheric data, the water vapor flux in the northwest Pacific is calculated and the spatio temporal variations of the water vapor flux vector are investigated. Using the SVD method, the coupled modes between the anomalies of summer water vapor transport over the northwest Pacific and the summer rainfall in China are proposed. The results show that the water vapor flux anomaly in the western Pacific bears three most dominant modes including the meridional mode, the divergence mode and the zonal mode, which are all striking of annual cycle. In summer, the variation of the water vapor flux anomaly gives a property to the divergence modes with the remarkable quasi biennial oscillation (QBO) and interdecadal variability. In the three most dominant coupled modes between the summer water vapor transport anomaly over the northwest Pacific and the summer rainfall anomaly in China are mainly the zonal and divergence modes. The anomaly of the summer water vapor transport over the northwest Pacific is one of the most significant factors to impact the summer rainfall in the east of China, and with regard to the water vapor transport, the western Pacific warm pool, the valley of Korushio and the South China Sea are the key marine areas impacting the summer rainfall anomaly in China. The analysis above can provide the essential preconditions for the research of air sea interaction process and its effect on the climate of China.
Key words:  the northwest Pacific  water vapor flux  rainfall  coupled modes
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