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李大鸣1, 付庆军1, 李 锐2
应用内外解匹配的方法和驻相法推导了柱坐标系下地震引起的水面波动方程的解, 即推导了地震海啸波生成与传播的理论方程, 并对越洋地震海啸理论方程进行了求解。基于Boussinesq 方程出发,建立了二维越洋海啸波传播数学模型, 并对越洋海啸进行了数值计算, 计算方法采用有限差分方法,差分格式采用交替方向隐格式(Alternating Direction Implicit 即ADI 方法)。利用越洋海啸计算模式对发生在大洋中的地震海啸进行了模拟, 将数值模拟结果与地震海啸波理论方程的计算结果进行了比较,两种计算结果吻合较好。
关键词:  越洋海啸  地震海啸  数值模拟  交替方向隐格式法(ADI 方法)
Mathematical model of trans-tsunami wave propagation
LI Da-ming,FU Qing-jun,LI Rui
In this paper, we used the method of matching inner and out solutions and the stationary phased method to derive the solution of the wave equation in cylindrical coordinates for the water surface after earthquake, which is the theoretical equation of earthquake tsunami. We then applied this equation to calculate the trans-oceanic tsunami. Based on the Boussinesq equation, a 2D trans-oceanic tsunami wave propagation mathematical model was built, and was used to simulate the trans-ocean tsunami. In this model, the calculation was performed with the finite difference method, and the difference scheme with the Alternating Direction Implicit, that is ADI method. With the trans-ocean tsunami numerical calculation model, an earthquake tsunami was calculated; and the results were in good consistency with that of the earthquake-induced wave calculated by the theoretical wave equation for water surface.
Key words:  trans-oceanic tsunami  earthquake tsunami  numerical simulation  method of Alternating Direction Implicit (ADImethod)
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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