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珠江口二类水体MODIS 数据大气校正
以珠江口海域为主要研究区域, 针对近岸二类水体近红外波段离水辐射为0 的假设不再成立,导致MODIS 标准大气校正算法中用于大气校正的两个近红外波段的气溶胶散射值的高估, 引起可见光波段离水辐射值较实际值偏小, 甚至出现负值的问题, 研究了748, 869 nm 波段的气溶胶散射及离水辐射之间的关系, 提出了珠江口二类水体MODIS 数据的大气校正算法。通过与MODIS 数据标准大气校正算法、基于短波波段的二类水体MODIS 数据大气校正算法相比, 表明珠江口二类水体MODIS 数据的大气校正算法具有一定的优势。
关键词:  MODIS  珠江口  大气校正
基金项目:国家海洋局公益性行业科研专项(200805028); 广东海洋大学自然科学基金(1012151
Atmospheric correction of MODIS data over case Π waters at the Pearl River Estuary
LIU Da-zhao
The hypothesis that the near infrared band water-leaving radiance is zero is no longer valid over case Π waters, leading to the MODIS standard atmospheric correction algorithm failure. The Pearl River Estuary is the main study area in this paper; the relationship between the aerosol scattering and water leaving-radiance at 748 and 869 nm bands were studied; and a regional atmospheric correction algorithm for MODIS over case Π waters in the Pearl River Estuary was proposed. Compared with the standard atmospheric correction algorithm and atmospheric correction algorithm for case Π waters based on the short-wave band, the new one had some advantages.
Key words:  MODIS  the Pearl River Estuary  atmospheric correction
Copyright ©  Editorial Office for Marine Sciences Copyright©2008 All Rights Reserved
Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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