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梁 峻1,2, 郑怀平1, 李 莉1, 张国范1
采用平衡巢式设计通过建立8个半同胞家系和32个全同胞家系, 估算了虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis Jay)养殖群体的遗传力。1日龄幼虫壳长、壳高的遗传力为0.521±0.104 和0.307±0.097, 10日龄幼虫壳长、壳高的遗传力为0.307±0.074 和0.311±0.075; 20日龄幼虫壳长、壳高的遗传力为0.336±0.079 和0.314±0.075; 40日龄稚贝壳长、壳高的遗传力为0.318±0.081 和0.280±0.075; 60日龄稚贝壳长、壳高的遗传力为0.383±0.091 和0.423±0.097; 500日龄成贝的壳长、壳高、壳宽、全湿质量的遗传力分别为0.375±0.096、0.358±0.094、0.513±0.116、0.420±0.103。结果表明, 与其他贝类相比,虾夷扇贝壳长、壳高、全湿质量等性状的遗传力为中等大小。
关键词:  虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis Jay)  养殖群体  半同胞家系  全同胞家系  遗传力
基金项目:国家973 计划项目(2010CB126401); 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KZCX2-EW-Q21); 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(3-53)
Estimation of heritability for a cultured population of Patinopecten yessoensis Jay
Eight half-sib families and thirty two full-sib families were obtained by a nested design of each male mating with four females. Heritability for shell length and shell height was 0.521±0.104 and 0.307±0.097 on day 1, 0.307±0.074 and 0.311±0.075 on day 10, 0.336±0.079 and 0.314±0.075 on day 20, and 0.318±0.081 and 0.280±0.075 on day 40, 0.383±0.091 and 0.423±0.097 on day 60. Heritability for production traits including shell length, shell height, shell width, and total weight at harvest on day 500 was 0.375±0.096, 0.358±0.094, 0.513±0.116, 0.420±0.103, respectively. Compared with other shellfish, heritability for production traits including shell length, shell height, shell width, and total weight of Patinopecten yessoensis Jay was of medium size.
Key words:  Patinopecten yessoensis Jay  cultured population  half-sib families  full-sib families  heritability
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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