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白 燕1, 毛 洁1, 樊 炜1, 潘华辰1, 刘云峰2
介绍了利用声学法测量深海热液速度场的基本原理。利用往返飞渡时间差与流场速度的关系,应用反问题求解技术重建测量区域的速度场。应用最小二乘法对两种典型的热液口速度场模型进行了仿真重建, 分析了换能器数量、实验测量误差以及换能器的布放对重建结果的影响, 并对重建结果进行了流量分析。仿真重建的绝对误差、相对误差以及流量分析结果表明, 最小二乘法具有较高重建精度, 增加声学换能器及细化网格可提高重建精度, 换能器对称分布时具有最优重建结果。最后对声学法深海热液温度场速度场测量系统进行了介绍和说明。深海热液速度场的测量重建可为热液热通量的测量奠定基础。
关键词:  热液  速度场  声波  重建算法  最小二乘法
基金项目:国家863 计划项目(2007AA09Z213); 浙江省科技计划钱江人才计划项目(2008R10020); 国家自然科学基金重点项目(40637037); 杭州电子科技大学浙江省重中之重学科“海洋机电装备技术”开放基金
Reconstruction algorithm for acoustic measurement of velocity field of deep-sea hydrothermal vents
The basic theory of acoustic velocity field measurement in deep-sea hydrothermal vents was introduced. The time of flight (TOF) of acoustic signals through hydrothermal vents was dependent on temperature and velocity. The velocity field was reconstructed by inverse problem solving techniques based on the relationship between the round-trip TOF difference and velocity of flow. The reconstruction of velocity field using the least square method was presented. At the same time, flow flux of reconstruction results was analyzed. The results show that the least square method has good accuracy. Increase of the number of acoustic transducers and mesh density can improve the reconstruction accuracy effectively.
Key words:  hydrothermal vents  velocity field  acoustic  reconstruction algorithm  least square method
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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