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王泽文1,2, 冷凯良1, 翟毓秀1, 孙伟红1, 邢丽红1, 苗钧魁1
采用亚甲基蓝显色分光光度法测定海参不同组织酸性黏多糖含量。在pH 为5~6 的酸性条件下,海参多糖以阴离子状态存在, 能够与亚甲基蓝发生异染现象, 生成的异染配合物在564 nm 处有最大吸收波长; 在4~20 mg/L 范围内呈现良好的线性关系, 方法回收率为78.33%~100.09%, 精密度<10%,该方法最低检出浓度为0.79 mg/L。利用该方法测定了海参不同组织酸性黏多糖含量, 结果表明海参体壁中酸性黏多糖含量最高, 海参卵次之, 海参肠最少。
关键词:  海参酸性黏多糖  亚甲基蓝  分光光度法
基金项目:中央级科研院所基础科研经费项目(2008-GY-08, 2009-CB-02)
Spectrophotometric determination of mucopolysaeccharide from different parts of sea cucumber with methylene blue
Mucopolysaeccharide from different parts of sea cucumber was measured by spectrophotometrically at 564 nm with methylene blue. In the pH range of 5~6, the anionic mucopolysaeccharide reacted with methylene blue. The absorbance was in good linearity in the concentration range of 4~20 mg/L. The recoveries of this method were in the range of 78.33%~100.09%, the RSD<10%, and the limits of detection (LODs) 0.79mg/L. The results showed that the content of acid mucopolysaeccharide in the body was the highest, followed in turn by those of the ovum and the intestine.
Key words:  seacucumber  acid mucopolysaccharide  methylene blue  spectrophotometry
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