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3 个花鳗鲡地理种群的AFLP 分析
朱友芳1, 林凤钦2, 王艺磊2, 谢芳靖2
1.福建省莆田市水产科学研究所;2.集美大学水产学院 福建省高校水产科学技术与食品安全重点实验室
应用AFLP 分子标记技术首次对澳大利亚、海南岛和菲律宾3 个种群的共60 尾花鳗鲡(Anguilla marmorata)幼鱼样品进行了遗传多样性分析。4 对选择性扩增引物共扩增得到180 个位点, 平均每对引物扩增出45 个位点。澳大利亚、海南岛和菲律宾3 个种群的多态位点分别为78.33%、79.44%和84.44%,Nei′s 遗传多样性指数分别为0.330 2±0.188 9、0.337 2±0.194 6 和0.357 1±0.176 7, Shannon′s 多样性指数分别为0.477 3±0.264 7、0.484 4±0.270 2 和0.514 6±0.243 3; 根据基因分化系数和AMOVA 分析估算,3 个花鳗鲡种群遗传变异分别有89.25%和96.07%存在于种群内, 10.75%和3.93%存在于种群间。基因分化系数、AMOVA 分析、遗传距离、基因流、系统树和显性基因型频率分析结果表明: 3 个花鳗鲡种群间出现了遗传分化, 地理距离越大遗传分化程度越高, 三者之间出现一定的基因交流。研究结果对花鳗鲡养殖具有指导意义。
关键词:  花鳗鲡(Anguilla marmorata)  种群  AFLP  遗传变异
AFLP analysis of three Anguilla marmorata geographic populations
This study is the first of its kind to document genetic diversity of giant mottled eel (Anguilla marmorata) among three geographic populations of Australia, Hainan Island, and Philippines. This study was performed on 60 young eels by using AFLP molecular marker technique. A total of 180 AFLP loci, of which 160 loci were polymorphic, were detected by four primer combinations. The percentage of polymorphic loci from Australia, Hainan Island, and Philippines was 78.33%, 79.44%, and 84.44%, respectively; Shannon's diversity index was 0.477 3±0.264 7, 0.484 4±0.270 2, and 0.514 6±0.243 3, respectively. The Gst and AMOVA analysis showed that there were 89.25% and 96.07% genetic variation within the three populations, and 10.75% and 3.93% genetic variation among populations. Our results indicate that genetic differentiation has occurred and has a positive correlation with geographic distant. Meanwhile, gene flows exist among all three populations. These data will be important for the farming management of A. marmorata.
Key words:  Anguilla marmorata  population  AFLP  genetic variation
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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