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杨 磊1, 杨灿军1, 吴世军1, 谢延青1
提出了一种评定电磁耦合通信效果的方法, 并给出了一种最优的电磁耦合系统的设计方法。讨论了影响电磁耦合系统通信距离的因素, 提出了用通信系数, 即互感和载波频率来评定电磁耦合的通信效果, 并据此提出了电磁耦合圆线圈的优化设计方法。实验测试证明了通信效果评定方法和优化设计方法的正确性。通过该方法可以针对需要的通信距离设计出最小尺寸的线圈, 通过提高线圈直径提高系统的通信距离。
关键词:  电磁耦合  通信系数  通信距离
基金项目:国家863 计划海洋技术领域项目(2010AA09Z202)
Optimal design of an inductively coupled link system for underwater communication
A method for evaluation of wireless transmission of information for inductively coupled link (ICL) and its optimal design are presented The factor impacting the communication range was analyzed. We proposed to evaluate the ICL communication with communication coefficient, which is product of mutual inductance and carrier frequency, and a method of optimal design for ICL round coils. Calculated and measured results were been presented to verify the methods. According to the communication range, coils with minimal diameter could be designed by this method. The communication range could be improved by increasing the diameter of the coils.
Key words:  inductively coupled link (ICL)  communication coefficient  communication range
Copyright ©  Editorial Office for Marine Sciences Copyright©2008 All Rights Reserved
Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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